Clare County Library
Clare Genealogy

Chichester House List of Claims 1700


The Local Studies Centre of Clare County Library has abstracted the 167 claims from County Clare under the scheme for the Williamite Confiscations.

The trustees and administrative staff at Chichester House, Dublin, considered some 3,140 claims under the Act of Resumption, 1700 (11 and 12 Will. III, c. 2) of which 1,861 claims were allowed in whole or in part. The successful Clare claims are given here.

The confiscated lands of Irish Jacobites, supporters of James II (who reigned from 1685 to 1688) were sold by ‘cant’, or public auction, close to a million acres of land, with large grants of forfeited land being granted to supporters of William III who commenced his reign in 1694.
The claims are of topographical, historical, economic and biographical interest. Simms writes: “The claims varied widely in character. Lessors, lessees, widows claiming their dowers and daughters their portions are all represented among the claimants. More than half the claims allowed were made by Protestants who had financial interests of various kinds in the forfeited estates. Only in a minority of cases were estates claimed by the next heir of a forfeiting person under a marriage contract or deed of settlement. The mere fact that an estate was entailed was not sufficient to establish a claim.”

Sir Donough O’Brien, Lord Inchiquin, appeared before the Dublin judges when his Clare lands were threatened with forfeiture at the suit of Patrick Hurley, alias the Earl of Mount Callon. Hurley was unsuccessful in his suit and he was duly prosecuted for perjury and conspiracy to defraud the Catholics of Clare.

The columns in the 167 Clare claims given here give the sequential number of the individual claim; the name of the claimant; the extent or nature of the claim; the deed on which the claim is based; the place name of the claimed land(s); the county and barony of same; and the former Jacobite owner or proprietor.

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Further reading:
J.G. Simms. The Williamite confiscation in Ireland, 1690 – 1703 (London, 1956)
John Ainsworth. The Inchiquin manuscripts (Dublin, 1961) pp. 226 – 271 (the Patrick Hurley case)
Analecta Hibernica, vol. 16, 1946 pp. 359 – 364 (the Annesley manuscripts)

No. Claimants The Estate or Interest Claimed By what Deed or Writing On what Lands County and Barony Late Proprietor
12 Peregrin Blood Estate for Years commencing 25th March 1689 By Lease from John Stephenson, & Katherine his Wife, dated the 6th of April 1688. Witnesses H. Bouchier & P. Hill. Nowane. Tyre Mac Bran etc. Unless Cause Allowed. Clare Co. Inchiquin Bar. John Stephenson and Katherine his Wife.
47 Edmond Perry Lease for 6 Years to commence All Saints 1639. Conditional By Indenture from Sir John Brown, to Edmond Perry Deceased, dated the 20th of August 1639. Witnesses F. Golde, Donoagh Biggot, Hen. Barder, William Hambleton. Tythes and Parsonage of Ballylogh Parish of Ballynelogh (?). Clare Co.  
47 Edmond Perry Conditioned to hold till 240 l. Be paid By bond from Sir John Browne, James Golde, and Maurice Baggot, to Edmond Perry, dated the 20th of August 1639. Witnesses: He, Burdet, William Hambleton, Ulick Burke. Ballynegananag. Cromwell. Allowed  
55 Alexander Aberemboy Estate to be settled or the portion to be paid to the claimant By Articles between Hon Jevers and Conor O'Brien dated 10th August1670 Bally Mc Graven, Charicoosane, Fanmore, Coolcmain, Ballyelly, Kuskkeane, Carrowkissy Clare County Donat O'Brien
65 John Burke Estate for three lives By Lease dated 1st May 1667 witnesses Sam. Foxon, Hen. Jones, Donogh McNamara     Lord Clare
66 John Burke Estate for three lives By Lease dated 1st May 1667, witnesses W. Hickman, Mat. McMahone, D. Considine   Clare County Lord Clare
78 Richard Wolsly, Esq; Administrator of Francis Burniston Estate for Years By Lease to John Burniston, not setting forth the Date or Term of Years. Ballynefae, Tunachoe, Gill-Town, Ballynebooly, Munestown, Ballymakelly, Hastlehast. Ba. Clave, Dundalk. Co. Clare Private Estate
92 Hen. Hickman, Gent. A Lease for 99 Years, determinable on 3 Lives By Deed dated the 10th of September 1685. Witness, Will. Hickman, Hen. Hickman. 3 Cartrons of Land in Thomfinlagh. C. Clare. Lord Clare
93 Hen. Hickman, Senior. A Lease for Lives By Lease dated the 13th of November 1668. Witness Do. O Bryen, Hen. Ivers, Hen. Lowndes. By Lease dated the 19th of August 1688. Witnesses, Wa. Hickman, Will. Smith, Hugh Hickman, William Shenan. Ballykett, &c. B. Moyfarta. C. Clare Lord Clare
113 Richard Henn, Gent. An Estate for 31 Years, from 29 Sept. 1698. By Lease dated the 12th of Septem. 1688. Wit. John mc Teague, Ulick Bourk, Dan. Gorman. The Corkass Land of Ballinagard cont. 18 Ac. Ba. Co. Clare. Donogh mc Nemora.
208 Sir Will. King 900 l Mortgage By Deeds Lease & Release dated the 24th and 25th of May 1667. Witnesses Thomas Long, Edmond Sheffiels, J. Waterhouse, Morgan O'Hea Minkinish Islands Co. Clare, barony of Bunratty Lord Clare
235 James O Tyne An Estate for 3 lives By Deed dated the 9th of August 1671. Witnesses Hen. Hinkman, Henry Ivers, Francis Fitz Gerald Dromeenatulluragh C. Clare, B. Corcumroe Lord Clare
267 Francis Burton, Esq An Estate for Lives By Lease dated 1st of October 1680 conveyed by Deeds dated the 10th & 11th Days of May 1700 to Claimant. Witnesses to Deeds of Lease and Release Nicholas Lincolne, Peter Aylewood, Tho. Rice. Tho. Cooke Quarter of Killyaane, the Fifth Part of a Quarter of Rathcregane & als. C. Clare, B. Island Lord Clare
298 Dermot O Tyne An Estate for Lives By Leased dated the 25th of March1670. And Alignment dated the 6th of June 1699 Carrownahane C. Clare B. Corcomroe Lord Clare
347 James Clark for Dixey Persival a minor Mort. In Fee subject to Redemption on payment of 1742 l. By several Conveyances from the Ld. Viscount Clare, Dyonisia Yeamans, and John Stepney to Hugh Percival the minors Father, who by his will devised to the Minor in Fee, subject to Proviso and Trusts. Witnesses to Lord Clares original Deed of Mort. To Dyonisia dated 25 June 1668, are Johh Cooper, Ralph Conyers, Isaac Granyer, Peter Granyer, John Godsuffe (?), Nich Glanvill and another not legible. Mullagha and several other Lands. C. Clare. B. Moyforta. Daniel late Ld Visct. Clare
349 John Halloway Term for 3 lives and 2 in being. By Demise from Daniel late Viscount Clare to Claymant, dated 26 May 76. Witnesses, James Mc Donnel, Jo. Cusack living, and Hen. Ivers dead. Livery and Seizen executed in presence of the said Ivers, and John Pyne deceased. Lands of Eraniheteragh &c. C. Clare. B. Inchiquin. Daniel late Ld Visct. Clare
350 Giles Vanderlure An Estate for 3 lives. By Lease dated the 18th of January 1682. Witnesses, Hugh Brigdall, Thomas Powel and Henry Hill. Cloghanemore, and Cloghanebegg. C. Clare. B. Moyarta. Idem
384 Thomas, Earl of Sussex, and Mary Skelton 3000 l. With Interest By Deed, dated the 8th of December1684. Witn. John Norwood, Will. Neyline, P (?) Winstanley. Carrigaholt, and the 24 Plowlands thereunto belonging. C. Clare. B. Moyarta. Late L. Clare.
388 Den Hanraghan An Estate for 3 lives. By Deed dated the 1st of May 1676. Witnesses, John Cooper, Don. O Bryen, Hen. Ivers, and others. Derreen, Carrowduffe, Fannalyne. C. Clare. B. Corkumroe. Late L. Clare.
391 Patr. Connell, Gent. An Estate for 99 Years, determinable on Lives. By Lease dated the 19th of March 1667. Witnessed by Teague mc Nemarra, James mc Donnell, James Barry, Morrogh Hicky. 2 Plowlands of Mogherry, and other Lands. C. Clare. B. Bunratta. Lord Clare.
438 Dionisia Yeamans The Interest of 742 l. Per An. By deed dated the 25th of June 1668. Witn. John Cooper, Ralph Connyers, Isaac Grannyer & als. Mullagha, Killiarroll, Knockerry. C. Clare. Ld. Clare.
444 Sir Walter Blake An Estate in Fee. By Pattent. Ballyallee, Clontine & als. C. Clare John Blake
496 Neptune Blood Estate in Fee, by Purchase of the Claimant, & his Father. By Deed of Feossment, dated the 28th of April 79. Witnesses, Edm. O Heheir, Ma. Lovell, John Hoheire. By Deed of Lease and Release, dated the 17th and 20th of July 1692. Witn. Kyean Callanane, Tho. Coldutell, Don. O Bryen, Rob. Hall. Ballyellie. C. Clare. B. Burren. Donnogh o Brien.
505 Hugh Brigdall Mortgage to Claimants Father for 145 l. lent. By Deed dated the 12th of November 1639 by Dermot o Bryan Deceas'd. Witnesses, Patrick Sarsfield, Robert Connigen, Nich. Fitz. Edmond, John mc Nemarah, and Mortagh Gispha (?). And Livery and Seizen, and Confirmed to the Claimant, by Letters Patents, in the late Court of Grace, dated the 29th of November in36 of Car. 2d. A Half Plowland called Neeffe-East. C. Clare. B. Islands. Dan Viscount Clare.
506 Teige mc Nemara Estate for Lives in right of his Wife. By Deed dated the 3d of March 1682 to the Claimant, from Edmond Magrath Deceas'd, in consideratin of Marriage, &c. Witnesses, Robert Magrath, Derby Ryan, Ambr. Perry, Tho. Buttler, Tho. Magrath, and Donogh mc Nemara. Part of the Lands of Roscharty. C. Clare. B. Tulla. Redmond Magrath.
529 Lau. Nihill. An Estate Tail. By Will dated the 25th of June 1685. Witness. Michael Nihill, Patrick Ellen Creagh, Patrick Nihill. Fortranbegg, Arrid, &c. C. Clare. B. Tullagh. David Nihill.
603 John Fitz Gerald. 525 l. Mortgage. By Deed dated the 20th of April 1667. Witness. Giles Vanderlure, Ralph Connyers, John Maighee, Ja. Roch, Patrick Nihale. Carrigdoran, Rannaghan, Reinalatimere, and other Lands. C. Clare. B. Bunratty. Ld. Clare.
655 Sir Arthur Gore a Minor, for George Gore, Prochein Amie. Grant in Fee. By Certificate, and Letters Patents, to Thomas late Earl of Ossory, Richard late Earl of Arran, and sir Arthur Gore, under whom the Claimant Claims. A Quarter of Cooldorogh. C. Clare. B. Tully. Jeffery Mockler.
730 Nath. Lucas. Remainder of a Term of 31 Years, Commencing from the 1st of May 1680. By Deed Indorsed, made to Claimant's Mother Hannah, dated the 15th of October, 1678, from Francis Creah, and John mc Nemara, under Letters to Capt. Bryan mc Mahon, Donough mc Nemara, andny mc Mahon, who had a Term of 61 Years from Morrogh, Earl of Insiquin, and by Deed dated the 20th of May 1685. Assigned by the Claimant's Mother to him. Witn. To the first mentioned Deed, Hen. Lucas, Dominick Power, Will. Baker, &c. 121 Acres in the two Plowlands of Glankeene. C. Clare. B. Insiquin. Donnogh mc Nemara.
731 Nath. Lucas. 115 l. 10 s. Sterl. Debt. 41 s. Sterl. Costs. By Judgement in Michaelmas Term, in the 30th of Jac.II. On the whole Estate. C. Clare. Donnogh mc Nemara.
837 Sir John Sands, Executor of Sir William Sands. 140 l. 9 s. 5 d. remainder of a Debt. Due by Judgement, obtained by Mary Vanderpost Widow, and Executrix of Adrian Vanderpost, against late Lord Clare in Michaelmas Term, in the 33rd Year of King Charles the Second, in the King's Bench. And by Deed dated the 21st of April 1686 Assigned to Sir Will. Sands. Witnesses to the said Assignment, Michael Cole, Peter Partinton, John Arnold. The whole Estate. C. Clare. Lord Clare.
929 Andrew Browne, Gent. An Estate in Fee, purchased in Trust for the Claimant. By Certificate, and Letters Patents, dated --- The several half Quarters of Ackrem and Tonlegeeagh 150 Acres, Quarter of Killeen 138 Acres, Cartron of Ballibrett 17 Acres, Cartron of Gortskiegh 17 Acres, 40 Acres about Atthenry. C. Clare, Gallway. B. Insiquin, Dunkellin, Kiltarton. Hen. Lynch.
958 Sir William King, Knight. 1707 l. Debt. By Indented Articles dated the 29th of April 1660, upon balance of Accounts.      
958 Sir William King, Knight. 807 l. part of the above 1707 l. By Deed of Mortgage in pursuance of the above articles, dated the 16th of August 1667. Witnessed, John Cooper, Giles Vanderlure, Ralph Connyers, and others. Clogagh, Cullenagh, Knockagagh. C. Clare. Lord Clare.
958 Sir William King, Knight. 300 l. part of the above 1707 l. By Deed of Mortgage, in pursuance of the above Articles, dated the 24th of August 1667. Wit. Donogh o Bryan, Der. Bryan, D(?) mc Nemara, and others. Coulenervoure, Knockmore, Rakiery, and other Lands. C. Clare. B. of Islands. Lord Clare
978 Chr. Vowell, Clerk 200 l. Penalty By Bond, with warrant of Attorney, dated the 24th of April 80. Judgement entered in Easter Term 80, in the Common Pleas,or some other Court. The whole Estate. C. Cork. C. Clare. C. Gallway. John Power.
997 Honor Ryan, Wid. Dower   Monogenagh C. Clare. B. Tulla. Darby Ryan.
1145 Capt. Donogh mc Mahon Estate in Fee. By Descent. 58 Acres & half Plow land of Glancanon. C. Clonderala. C. Clare. Joh. Comins.
1220 Theobald Butler, Counseller at Law 100 l. Mortgage, 100 l. Arrears of Interest for Ten years past. By Deed dated 8th of April 1680. WitnessFlor. Mc Nemara, Hugh mc Nemara, and others, from John mc Nemara to whom the same were Mortgaged by Deeds dat. 9th of October 1667. Witness Loughlin Grady, Morgan Creegan, and others. Two Thirds of a Quarter and 1 Cartron in Meeisk. C. Clare. Bar. Bunratty. Late Lord Clare.
1238 Mary Lynch als. Blake, Widdow of John Blake. A Joynture. The Yearly Interest of 200 l. By Lease and Release dat 9 and 10 Jan (78), upon Claimants Marriage. Muckennisnew 49 Acr. Co. Clare. John Blake.
1249 James Grady, Gent. An Estate for Lives. By Lease dat 26 May (76) to Loghlen Grady, Claimant's Father deceased, Witness. Killean three Cartrons. Co. Clare. Lord of Clare.
1249   The like Estate. By Lease dated 26 May (76) to the said loghlen who settled both Leases upon Claimant on his marriage. Half a Quarter and half a Cartron in Ballyogan.    
1250 Dav Macqhee Gent. And Catherine his Wife. An Estate for Lives. By Lease dated the 1st of June (76) to John Macqhee. Witness Henry Tuers, and others, and Settled on Claimant upon his Marriage by Lease and Release, dat. 19, 20 Dec. (95). Wit. Luke Cory, and others. Maghery 2 quarters Ballyneghane al. Finagh. C. Clare. B. Bunratty. Lord of Clare.
1251 Loughlen Hickey Administrat. Of Donnogh Hickey. Remainder of a Term for 99 years commenc 25 March 72. By Lease dated the 4th of April 72, from Daniel Lord Clare, to the said Donnogh and Daniel Hicky, Witness G. Blount, Geo. Ross, and others. A Moyety of the Lands of Drimin. B. Bunratty. C. Clare. Lord Clare.
1251   Estate in Fee. By Lease and Release, dated the 1st and 2d of October 84, to Claimant. Wit. Pierce Creagh, Logh Grady, and others. The other Moyety of said Lands.    
1252 Idem as Heir Administrat. of the said Donnogh. Term for 3 lives, claimt. The only life in being. By Deed dated the 29th of May (76) and Livery and Seizen, both Witnessed by Mau. Connell, Pat. Connell, and Pierce Morris. 3 Cartrons of Ballymackahell & the island ofInishmore, a parcel. B. Bunratty. C. Clare. Lord Clare.
1253 Brien O Cahan. Term for 3 lives, 2 in being. By Deed dated the 29th of May (76) and Livery and Seizen. Witness James mc Donnell, John Cusack, Robert Gold, and Henry Ivers. Lands of Kildima and Killikirreen B. Moyfarta. C. Clare. Lord Clare.
1254 Mary O Brien, als. Considine, Daughter and Administratix of Dermot Considine, and wife and Administr. Of Brien O Brien Term for 3 lives, 2 in being. By Deed dated the 10th of Decemb. (69) to the said Dermot, and conveyed by him to the said Brien O Brien on Claimant's Marriage. Witness John Cooper, Robert Goulde, and others and Livery and Seizen 25th of Dec (69). Witness Matt mc Mahon, Cornel. Consdine, and others. Lands of Leitrim B. Cloumderala. C. Clare. Lord Clare
1255 Dermot Gorman Heir and Admin. Of Laughlen Gorman Term for 3 lives, in being, with a clause of Renewal. By Deed dated 1st of May (67) to the said Laughlen. Witness W. Hickman, Charles Connell, and others, and Livery and Seizen. Witnessed by Teigue Gorman, Donnogh Casey, and others. 2 Plowlands of Dromalehy B. Moyfarta. C. Clare. Lord Clare
1256 Conner Ryan Estate in Fee By Descent, as Uncle to Martin Ryan. 50 acres of Land in the Quarter of Kilbaron B. Tulla. C. Clare. Martyn Ryan
1257 John Magrath Mortgage in Fee for 400 l. By Lease and Release, dated the 28th and 29th of August (84). Witness Nicholas Magrath, Edward Fitz-Gerald, and others Lands of Leacarrow and Leacarrowgarry B. Tulla. C. Clare. Redm. Magrath
1258 Darby Ryan Estate Tayl special By Will of John Ryan, dated the 4th of December (87). Witness Ambrose Perry, Hugh Perry, John Ryan and Anthony Dioger Town and Lands of Monogenagh B. Tulla. C. Clare. Thady Ryan
1259 Daniel Funicane Administrat. Of Brian Funicane Term for 3 lives one only in being By Deed dated the 10th of April (69). Witness Laurence Nihill, Thomas Gallagher, Da. Barry, and others. One Cartron of the Lands of Aylroe. B. Cloumderala. C. Clare. Lord Clare
1260 James Molony & Mary his Wife Estate for life of Claimant Mary By Deed of Feossment, and Livery and Seizen, dated the 10th of August (71) to Feossees, to the use of the Claimant Mary and Daniel Ryan, Claimant's then husband. Witness William Hukey, Nicholas Bryen, Morris Hukey, and others. Part of the Lands of Monogenagh, Iragh (?), and Clongiheen. B. Tulla. C. Clare. Richard Butler Claimant's former Husband.
1261 Dermot Considin Heir & Admin. Of Connor Considine Term for 3 lives, 2 in being. By Deed dated the the 25th of December (69), and Livery and Seizen. Witness Dermot Considine, Dom. Creagh, Thomas Fitz-Gerald, & als. Lands of Clouinreddane, one quarter and half B. Moyfarta. C. Clare Lord Clare
1262 John O Dea Lease for 3 lives By Deed dated the 2d of October (68). Ballylanheed and Ballylanegan C. Clare Lord Clare
1378 Nicho. White, a Minor by John Stretch and Barbara his Wife, his Guardian. Estate in Fee. By Descent. 66 Acres in the Town and Lands of Ballyvroughan (?) C. Clare. B. Bunratty.  
1446 Hen. Hickman. 300l. Mortgage and after Redemption an Estate for 4 Lives. By Deed of Feossment dated 1st of April 68. Witnesses, Robert Gould, Hen. Lowndes. Mullagha, Knoskerry West. C. Clare. B. Moyarta. Ld. Clare.
1459 Geo. Stamers, Esq. Remainder of 31 Years, commenc. The 25 of March 1684. By Lease dat. The 29th of April 84. 3 Plow lands and half of Corronowassand Billy. C. Clare. B. Moyforta. Ld. Clare.
1477 George Stamers, and Jane his Wife. 200 l. Mortgage, and Arrears. By Lease and Release dated the 5th and 6th of November (&*) from Dan. Lord Clare, to William York Sen. Witnesses, Henry Ivers, Robert Gould, & al. Knockmore Leitrim, one quarter Lack and Kilbredy and other Lands. C. Clare. B. Moyarta. Lord Clare
1477     And come to Claimant Jane, by William Yorkes last will, dated in March (79).   Clonderala.  
1558 Hugh Hickman, Sen. Gent. 190 l. Mortgage By Lease and Release, dated the 14th and 15th of Septemb. 85. Witness. W. Hickman, Will. Smith, & al. Three Cartrons of Land in the Town and Lands of Thomfinlagh. C. Clare. B. Bunratty. Lord Clare
1559 Hugh Hickman, Gent. An Estate for Lives. By Lease dated the 19th of August 89 (?). Witn. Walter Hickman, & al. The Plow Land of Dough, with the Appurtenances. C. Clare. B. Moyarta. Lord Clare
1560 Teige mc Nemara, Gent. An Estate for Lives. By Lease dated the 6th of June 86 to John mc Nemara, the Claimant's Father, who died Intestate, in October 90. Witness Tho. Mary (?), Torlagh O Brien. Lislogha, Cloghanfavan. Clare Lord Clare
1582 Dominick (?) Fanning, and Slany his Wife, Daniel O Brien, and Mary his Wife, Fran. Grady, and Honora his Wife, Cornelius Brody, and Margaret his Wife. An Equity of Redemption. By Deeds dated the 12th of September 1667. Rathfolan C. Clare. B. Bunratty. Lord Clare
1582       Ayle, and several other Lands. C. Clare. B. Tulla. Dan. Mullowny.
1584 Jane Jones 1100 l. (?) Debt with the Interest. By Bonds dated in the Year 1640. Wit. Peter Powell, John Bourk, and others. The whole Estate. C. Clare. Ld. Clare.
1585 Sam. Burton Esq. An Estate for 3 lives. By Lease dated the 1st of May 67, and Assigned to the Claimant, by Deed dated the 6th of April 76. Ballroe, & other Lands. C. Clare. B. Islands. Ld. Clare.
1586 John Cusacke An Estate in Fee. By Deeds of Lease and Release, dated the 8th & 9th of August 82. Wit. Donogh O Brien, Constance Davoren, and others. Ballyvoire, and other Lands. C. Clare. Ld. Clare.
1587 Thady Mullony A Term for 61 Years determinable on Lives. By Lease dated the 26th of July 1680. Witnesses, Robert Magrath, Ambrose Perry. Keilmore and other Lands. C. Clare. Redmond MaGrath.
1588 James Crofts A Term of 31 Years, to commence on the Death of Any mc Mahon. By Lease dated the 8th of June 1680. Witnesses, Rowland Rice, John Stackpole. In Tullacomen 101 Acres. C. Clare. B. Inchiquin. Donogh mc Nemara.
1589 James Grady 550 l. Mortgage. By Deed dated the 29th of October 1683. Witnesses, Dermott Considen, Morrogh mc Mahan. Ballynagon, and other Lands. C. Clare. Ld. Clare.
1590 Mathew Gorman An Estate for 3 lives. By Lease dated the 7th of January 1668. Witnesses, Andrew Creagh, Richard Creagh. The Half Quarter of Breaghea. C. Clare. B. Moyarta. Ld. Clare.
1591 Thady mc Nemara 400 l. Mortgage. By Deeds of Lease and Release dated the 20th & 21st of January 1684. Witnesses, Teige Croneene, Darby Callaghan, and others. Rannagh, Knocknemaniftra, and other Lands. C. Clare. Don. O Callaghan
1591   A Term for 31 Years. By Deed dated the 10th of August 1683. Witnesses, Morrogh o Callaghan, Teige Croneene, and others. Killbegoone. C. Clare. Don. O Callaghan
1591   44 l. Mortgage By Deeds dated the 19th and 20th of March 1696. Witnesses, Anthony Kenraghty (?), Owen o Callaghan, and others. Knockacloggin. C. Clare. Don. O Callaghan
1739 John Warkhouse, Peter Vansittart, Richard Parke, surviving Administrators of Jacob Lucy. 600 l. Mortgage and interest. By Deed of Mortgage, dat. The 21st of January 1679, and by Articles dated the 24th of January 1679. Witnesses, Thomas Walcott, John Cooper, and others. Moyarta, and several other Lands. C. Clare. B. Moyarta. Ld. Clare.
1784 Robert Magrath Remainder in Tail. By Lease and Release, dated the 7th and 8th of March 82. Ambrose Perry, James Ryan, & al. Wit. And confirmed to Claimant by Will, dated the 14th of May 1683. 136 Acres and 76 Acres in Kilbaron. C. Clare. B. Tulla. Redmond MaGrath.
1819 Edm. Yeomans 126 l. 18s. Penalty By Bond, with warrant of Attorney : Judgement entered in Common Pleas in Easter Term (91). The Estate Co. Clare. Don. O Callaghan
1893 Daniel Fitz-Gerald Esq. 450 l. Prin. Besides 290 l. or thereabouts Interest. By the last Will of John Fitz-Gerald Claimant's Father, in the year (80) who bequeathed to the Claimant and his two brothers for their Portions. The Town and Lands of Coore. B. Islands. Co. Clare. Lord Clare
1894 Tho. Fitz-Gerald, Esq. The like interest as above. By the same Title. The same Lands B. Islands. Co. Clare. Lord Clare
1919 Sir Donnogh o Bryen, Barr. Mortgage in Fee for 60 l. Sterling, and Interest and Arrears. By Lease and Release, dated the 22nd and 23rd Septemb. 84. Witnesses, Flor mc Nemara, James Roche, & al. Lands of Shaneboe. C. Clare. B. Tulla. Francis Arthur.
1920 Sir Donnogh o Bryen, Barr. Mortgage for 100 l. By Deed dated the 28th of April 82, with a Power to redeem a former Mortgage in Fee to the Lord Inchyquin. Witness, John Gore, Ter o Brien, &c. Castles, Houses, &c. of Dryvagh, Ballykinnatorra, &c. C. Clare. Baronys of Inchyquin and Corcumroe. Daniel, Ld. Viscount Clare.
1920   Mortgage in Fee for 400 l. and Interest. By Deed dated in the said 28th of April 82. Reciting both former Deeds. Same Witnesses.      
1921 Sir Donnogh o Bryen, Barr. Mortgage in Fee for 1242 l. 8s. And Interest. By Deed dated the 18th of August 83. Witn. Francis Arthur, John Durey. Danganbrack, Ardnavoylane, &c. C. Clare. B. Bunratty. Nich. Arthur.
1978 Thady O Callaghan, in behalf of Donogh, Michael, Daniel, Teige, and Connor O Callaghan, all Minors. An Estate Taile. By VVIII, dated the last Day of March 1698. Witnesses John Cusack, Edmond Glisane, & al. Mountallon, Liscuilane, and several other Lands, and the equity of Redemption of several Mortgages. Co. Clare. Donnogh O Callaghan.
1980 Thady O Callaghan A Term for 41 Years, from May 1679 By Lease dated the 11 of November 1679. Witnesses Mor. O Callaghan, Co. O Callaghan, & al. And Assigned by Deed dated the 16 of November 1679. Witnesses Pat O Callaghane, John Cronine. Mountallon, Cappalahine, and several other Lands. Co. Clare. Bar. Tulla. Don. O Callaghan
1980   A term of 19 Years, com. 1 of May (95). By Lease dated the 16 of November 1675. Witnesses Connor O Brien, Malachy Moynihane, & al. Liscullane. Co. Clare. Ba. Tulla. Don. O Callaghan
1980   A term of 21 Years, com. 1 of May 1696. By Lease dated the 16 of April 1696. Witness Hugh Magrath, Don. O Callaghan, & al. Kealderry, and Knocknasilly. Co. Clare. Ba. Tulla. Don. O Callaghan
1981 Thady O Callaghan, and Mary his Wife, in right of the said Mary. Dower. By Law. Mountallon, and several other Lands. Co. Clare. Ba. Tulla. Ba. Bunratty. Don. O Callaghan
1982 John Wate, Dr. of Physick. A Mortgage in Fee, for 360 l. and Interest. By Lease and Release, dated the 22 and 23 of April 85. Witness Charles O Callaghan. The Lands of Lisbarreen, and other Lands. Ba. Tulla. Co. Clare. Donnogh O Callaghan's Eldest Son.
1982   A Mortgage in Fee, for 340 l. and Interest. By Lease and Release of the same date, and same witnesses as above. Clounmohir, and other Lands. Co. The same. B.  
1983 Connel O Connel, Gent. Residue of 21 Years, com. – May 95. By Deed dated the 9 of February 94. Witness Thad. O Callaghan, & al. Culishill. Ba. Tulla. Co. Clare. Callaghan, and Charles O Callaghan.
1996 George Martin, by his Guardian, John Forster. An Estate Taile. By Deed of Feossment dated the 7 of August 1682. Witness Oliver Brown, Marcus Bodkin, & al. Gragan, and several other Lands. Co. Clare. Geo. Martin.
2002 John Ivers, Executor of Hen. Ivers his Father. A debt of 400 l. and Interest. By Bond dated the 17 September (69) from the late Lord Clare, and the said Hen. As his security to Peirse Merronny, and Judgement thereon in Easter Term (75) in the Exchequer, and bond to Indemnity Claimant's Father of 2000 l. Penalty, dated the 17 of April (86). Witness Robert Gould, Dermott O Brien, & al. On all the Estate. Co. Clare. Lord Visc. Clare.
2003 The same as Executor and Devisee of Hen. Mortgage in Fee for 130 l. By Deed dated the 15 of January (72) to Claimant's Testator. Witness Tho. Brevtier, Tho. Winter, & al. Clonyconrymore ½qur. Pollogh, als. Gort Pollogh, &c. B. Tulla. Lord Visc. Clare.
2003   Estate in Fee. By Will dated the 10 of August (90). Witness William Butler, Henry Stephens, & al. Gortn_merycany als Lumongie (?). 1 Cartron of Lissaneere, &c. Lands of Tyronea. Bar. Inchiquine. Ba. Clonderlaw. Co. Clare. Bar. Tulla. Lord Visc. Clare.
2004 Mark Considine, Son and Heir of Teige, by his Mother and Guardian Bridget Considine, Widow. Term for 3 Lives, with clause of renewal for ever. Deed dated the 2 of June (76). Witness John Cooper, William Smith, & al. And come To Claimant, as Heir by Descent. 1 quar. Of Lea_ke and Killbredy, &c. B. Clondirala. C. Clare. Lord Visc. Clare.
2005 The Same. Term for 3 lives, 2 in being. Deed dated the 27 of November (76). Witness Mortagh mc Mahon, Daniel Cahassy (?), & al. and come to Claimant as Heir of Teige his father. Leamnahely. B. Clondirala. Co. Clare. John Comin.
2006 John Ivers, Executor of Henry Ivers. Debt of 90 l. 5s. 6d. ½. Penalty. By Bond from Donnogh O Brien, and the said Hen. As his security to Sir Joseph Williamson and ux. and Judgment theron in Common Pleas in Easter Term (88) and Instrument to Indemnifie Claimants Testator, dated the 11th of Sept. (89). On all the Estate. Co. Clare. Donnogh O Bryen.
2007 Ann Lucas, Widow, and Administratrix of Thomas. Term for 3 Lives, 2 inbeing. Deed dated the 20 of January (68). Witness Hen. Ivers, Hen. De la Roch, & al. ½ Plowland Lismuse. B. Ibrickan. Co. Clare. Lord Visc. Clare.
2008 Mortogh Hogan. Remainder of a term for 31 Years com. 1 May 78 Deed dated the 14 of January (77). Witness David Ronan, Daniel, mc Grath, Eliz Rice. Crossard, als. Crossoughteragh. B. Inchiquin. Co. Clare. Thady Quin.
2009 Capt. Donogh O Loghlen. Estate for life. By bond of Arbitration between Donnogh O Bryen, and Claimant's Father, Iherlagh O Loghlen, dated the 25 of April (82) and Award theron made. 4 Acres in the Lands of Coskeame, als. Coskean. B. Burren. Co. Clare. Donnogh O Bryen.
2010 Honora Magrath, Widow of Thomas. Annuity of 20 l. By Deed dated the 28 of February (82). Witness Nic. Magrath, Ambrose Perry, Thomas butler, and by Award or Ump_rage of Edmond Ryan dated the 31 of March (88). Witness Edmond Ryan, Nic. Mounckton and Joh Ryan. ½ Plowland of Cnockmeale Patrick and Dromin. Same Co. Redmond Magrath.
2011 Mortagh Considin. Term for 21 Years com. 25 March 99. Out of a Lease for 3 Lives, one only in being, by Mea__ Assignments come to Matth. McMahon, who Leased to Claimant by Deed dated the 13 of March (98). Witness Mark Considin, Daniel Considin, James Gormain. ½ Plowland of Cloncullin. Same Co. Daniel Lord Visc. Clare.
2012 Honora Viscountess Dowager of Clare. Term for 99 years, in lieu of Joynture. By Deed dated the 7 of November (71). Witness George Creagh, Daniel mc Donnel, Robert Gold. Castle, Town and Lands of Ballymacooda and Laccarruemore, &c. B. of Island. C. Clare. Daniel Lord Visc. Clare.
2104 Lieut. Col. Fran. Gore A mMortgage of 497 l. By Lease and Release, dated the 14th and 15th of October 87, to John Gore, Claimant's father. Witn. Oliver Dundon, & al. And come to Claimant as Administrator de Bonis, &c. of his said Father Slapper, Cahirmattrusseen and Carrokilty Co. Clare, B. Corcomroe Donogh O'Brien
2105 Tho. Browne, Gent. 400 l. Mortgage. By Deed dated the 27th of Septemb. 67 to Edm. Browne, the Claimant's Father. Witness John Walcott, & al. Several Cartrons of Lands of Ballyslatery. C. Clare. B. Tulla. Ld. Clare.
2105   The benefit of a Covenant and Condition of a Bond, for a Lease for 99 Years, to begin from the Redemption of the Mortgage. By Deed dated the 29th of Octob. 78. Witness Will. Yorke, & al.      
2105     By Bond of 600 l. Penalty to John Walcott, in Trust, dated the 29th of Octob. 78. The same itnesses.      
2105     By Deed dated the 2d of Aug. 1680. Witness Walter Hickman, & al.      
2140 Tho. Hickman, Esq. A Term for 3 Lives. By Deed dated the 10th of November 68. Wit. Dan mc Nemara, & al. By several Mean Assignments. The Lands of Leightarroweightra. C. Clare. B. Bunratty. Ld. Clare.
2141 Tho. Hickman, Esq. Mortgage in Fee for 100 l. By Deed dated the 7th of March 84. Wit. Andrew Stackey, & al. Assignment dated the 7th of July 97. Wit. Da. Hallinane, & al. Coulshamroge. C. Clare. B. Bunratty. James Power.
2143 James mc Donnell, Esq. Several Estates for Lives. By several Leases and Assignments. Moyartea, and several other Lands. C. Clare. Ld. Clare.
2144 Hugh Swiny, Gent. Estate for Lives. By Deed dated the 30th of December 93. Wit. Deni. Mc Donnel, & al. Lands of Garrane and Mayhasta. C. Clare. B. Moyarta. Ld. Clare.
2144   Estate for Lives. By Deed dated the 12th of March 93. Wit. Hen. Hickman, & al. Killballyhone, & Oghterard.    
2155 Bartholomew Stretch, Son and Heir of Patrick Stretch Mortgage in Fee for 100 l. and Interest & Arrears. By Lease and Release, dated the 28th and 29th of January 94. Wit. Steph. Comyn, John Molony, & al. Ballyfeenbegg C. Clare. B. Tulla. Dan. Mullony.
2156 Teige mc Nemara Estate in Fee. By Certificate and Letters Patents of Car. II to Edmond mc Nemara in trust for Claimant and his Heirs, the said Trust declared, by Deed dated the 21st of October 86. Wit. John mc Nemara, Jeffrey Pindergrafs, & al. 93 Acres in Sonnogh South. C. Clare. B. Bunratty. Ld. Clare.
2157 Patrick Connell. Term for 3 Lives, Claimant only in being. By Deed dated the 20th of May 76, and Livery and Seizen. Wit. Hen. Ivers, Donnough mc Nemara, & al. 3 Cartrons of Cahirduffe Farnane, and Knockeadurra, & c. C. Clare. B. Bunratty. Ld. Clare.
2158 Redmond Magrath a Minor, Son and Heir of James, by the said James Magrath his Guardian. Estate Tail. By Lease and Release dated the 5th and 6th of July 87, from Redmond's Grand-Father on the said Jame's Marriage. Witness. Domy (?) Roch, Michael Row, & al. Town and Lands of Tyrehedagh, & c. C. Clare. B. Tulla. Redmond Magrath.
2159 Margery Babbington, als. Shekleton Widow, as Heiress of Capt, Thomas Cullen. Term for 3 Lives one in Being. By Deed with Livery and Seizen, dated the 20th of May 76. Wit. Tho. Cooper, John Sheiterd (?), Pierse Morris. Clogagh, als. Sonagh. C. Clare. B. Bunratty. Lord Clare.
2160 John Grady. Benefit of a Mortgage in Fee for 60 (?) l. and Interest. By Lease and Release dated about 7 November 87, conveyed to Edward Mealeing (?), who by Lease and Release about June 98 conveyed to Claimant. Witn. Joh Ivers, Maurice Cogan, & al. Cooleyreedy, and Insishallaghoge. C. Clare.Donnogh o Callaghane.  
2161 James Magrath, and Mary his Wife. Estate for Life, Claimant James and Joynture for Mary. By Lease and Release settled on Claimants Marriage, dated the 5th and 6th of July 87. Wit. Domy Roch, Mich. Row, & al. Tyredagh, and 127 Acres in Killbareen, & c. C. Clare. B. Tulla. Redmond Magrath.
2162 Nich. Lysaght. Residue of a Term for 199 Years, commencing the 1st of May 82. By Letter of Attorney from William Creagh to Nicholas Lysaght, to Impower him to Let any Lease for any Term, dated the 2d of July 74. Wit. Christopher Hurt, & al. And Lease pursuant made to Will. Lysaght in Trust for Claimant, dated the 19th of October 81. Wit. Dermot Mollony, Dominick Creagh, & al., and said Trust declared by the said William. By Indorsement on the said Lease, datedthe 4th of June 92. 24 Acres in Rosslaman, &c. B. Bunratty. William Creagh.
2162       88 Acres in Dromfeale. C. Clare. B. Tulla.  
2205 Owen Considin. Term for 3 Lives. By Deed with Livery and Seizen, dated the 6 of November (69). Witnesses Henry Ivers, Robert Goulde, & al. Drominamuckla &c. Ba. Island. Co. Clare. Lord Clare.
2205   Remittance of 40 s. per an. of the rent referred on the above Lease. By Writing dated the 25 of May (76). Witnesses Walter Hickman, John Cooper, & al. Drominamuckla &c. Ba. Island. Co. Clare. Lord Clare.
2206 Ellan O Bryan, al. Shaghnussy, Widow of Connor O Bryan. Estate for life. By Deed of Settlement on Claimant's Marriage, Witness. Roger Hicky, James Dowly, & al. and Livery and Seizen thereon. Lands of Slapper, Corokily, &c. B. Corcumroe. Donnogh O Bryan.
2206       Fanore, Qur. &c. Ba. Burren. Co. Co. Clare.  
2207 Ellan Prendergast, Widow of James, for herself and Garret Prendergast, an Infant, Son and Heir of the said James. Term for three Lives. By Deed dated the 13 of August (81). Witness Charles mc Donel, Walter Hickman, & al. and Assignment by the said James, for the said Ellan's Life, dated the 12 of November (88). Witness Richard Butler, and John Stapleton. Lands of Rine, Erenagh. Ba. Inshiquin. Co. Clare. Lord Clare.
2208 Teige mc Nemarra, Esq. Reversion in Fee, after a Lease for 21 Years, com. 1 May 82 Lease dated the 24 of October (81). Witness Nich. Woulfe, Thady Molony, & al. Lismighane. Ba. Tulla. Co. Clare. David Nihil, Son and Heir of David the Lessee.
2209 Hen. Bridgman, Esq. Rent and Reservation in Fee, after a Lease of 21 years, com. 1 May 81. Lease dated the 23 of April (81) to John Hyde, who Assigned to John Meers, who Assigned to one Charles Murphy. Town and Tenements of Castlebridgman. Ba. Tulla. C. Clare. Charles Murphy.
2210 John Ivers, Gent. Rent and Reversion in Fee, after a Term for 21 years, com. 1 May 80. Lease dated the 3 of May (80) and the Fee devised to Claimant by Will of Hen. Ivers, dated the 10 of August (90). Cooliore, al. Ballyvoghan. Ba. Clondiralaw. Co. Clare. Dermot Fitz-Patrick.
2236 John mc Nemara, Son, Heir, and Executor of James mc Nemara his Father deceased. Mortgage in Fee , for 30 l. and Interest. By Feossment dated the 8 of March 70. Witness Robert Gold, & al. A Cartron of th Plowland of Knockascubbole, called Clounanevee. B. Bunratty. Co. Clare. Lord Clare.
2236   Estate for Lives. By Deed dated the 5 of June 76. Witness Hen. Ivers, & al. The same.    
2236   Estate for Lives. By Deed dated the 8 of July 69. Witness William Bridgeman, & al. Assignment by Endorsement. Raltkerry, one Qur. And Bolenagheragh. Ba. Islands. Co. Clare.  
2236   Mortgage in Fee, for 80 l. and Interest. By Deed dated the 10 of August 71. Witness Henry Hickman, and al. The last mentioned Premisses.    
2237 The Same. Mortgage in Fee, for 34 l. 11 s. By Deed dated the 12 of February 95. Witness Mourragh Cahil, & al. Assignment by way of Lease and Release, dated the 13 and 14 of January 97. Witness Ignatius Casey. Equity of Redemption of Premisses, Mortgaged in Fee for 178 l. by Lease and Release dat. The 6 and 7 of October 92.   Daniel Molony.
2239 Edmond Merony, Gent. Estate for three Lives, in being and power of adding another Life, on the Death of either of them. By Deed dated the last of August 83. Witness Dermot Considin, & al. Towns, Lands, &c. of Dunnaha East, and Dunaha West. Ba. Moyarta. Co. Clare. Lord Clare.
2240 Edmond Merony, Gent. Estate for three Lives in being. By Deed dated the 7 of November 88. Witness James mc Donell. 2 Plowlands of Lisseni, and kilcrane, and other Premisses, except a small Park, and 2 Cabins, & the little Plott below the Park. Ba. Moyarta. Co. Clare. Lord Clare.
2241 Margaret Merony, Widow, Edmond Merony, and Pierce Merony, Junior. Estate for Lives. By several Deeds from the Lord Clare. Brishly. B. Moyarta. Co. Clare. Lord Clare.
2242 Edmond Merony, Peirce Merony, and Margaret Merony. Estate for 99 years determinable on 4 Lives. By Deed dated the 17 December, (69). Witness John Cooper, & al. Gour-Island & other Lands. B. Moyarta. Co. Clare. Lord Clare
2243 William Smith, Gent. Estate for Lives. By Deed dated the 9 February (81). Witness Hen. Hickman, & al. Castles, Town, and 2 Plowlands called Cahirmoroghove and Cahirmore. B. Clondiralae. Co. Clare. Lord Clare
2244 William Smith, Gent. Estate for Lives. By Deed dated the 16 of February, (71). Witness John Harte, & al. The Lands of Tullagover and Gower-Hast. B. Moyarta. Co. Clare. Lord Clare
2245 Mortagh mc Mahon, Gent. Estate for Lives. 5 l. per ann. Part of the Rent for the said Premisses. By Deed dated the 17 February, (68). Witness Dermot Considine, & al. By Endorsement dated the 2 November 78. The Lands of Knockmore, alias Killcininus, alias Kiltumper. B. Clonderala. Co. Clare. Lord Clare
2245   Estate for Lives. By Deed dated the 17 of September, (86). Witness James mc Donnell, & al. The Town and Lands of Ballynagn. Ba. Moyarta. Co. Clare.  
2245   An Equitable Right.   36 Acres profitable Land, Irish Plant, taken from Claimant by Daniel late Lord Viscount Clare. B. Island.  
2246 Patrick Creagh, Gent. Estate for Lives. By Deed dated the 14 May (73). Witness James mc Daniell, & al. A Quarter of the Land of Killfreagh, and Part of Forrunebegg. B. Moyarta. Co. Clare. Lord Clare
2247 Conner Clancy Estate for Lives. By Deed dated the 25 of September (69). Witness Hen. Ivers, & al. Aghagarna. B. Moyarta. Co. Clare. Lord Clare
2267 Tho. French, Cath. French, in right of the said catherine. Dower. By Law. Crosse 1 Quar. Castlequarter, and several other Lands, with some impropriate Tythes. Co. Clare. Gallaway. James Darcy.
2320 Sir Thomas Pendergast. Mortgage in Fee, for 500 l., and Interest. By Deed dated the 21 of March 73. Witness Ri. Nagle, & al. Statute Staple Defeazanced, for performance of the Covenants in the said Deed, granted (inter al.) to Claimant after the Forfeiture of Roger O Shaghnussey Esq. By Letters Patents, dated the 19 of June, 9 year of his present Majesty's Reign. The Messuages, Towns, &c. of Carrunawilan, 1 Qur. Carumeana, 1 Qur. and several other Lands. B. Moyarta. Co. Clare. Lord Clare.
2367 Richard Wilson, Executor of Ann Miller, during the Minority of her three Grand-Children, Annabella, Anne, and Katherine Fitx-Gerald, als. Clungeon, Relict and Executrix of Peter Clungeon Merchant, on behalf of said Richard, and the minors. The benefit of a Covenant to hold an Estate for 24 years, notwithstanding the Lessee should be interrupted by any War or Rebellion, com. May 1676. By a Covenant in a Lease, dated the 2 of January 1676, to James Fitz-gerald Esq., and Anne his Wife. Witness Ralph Conyers, & al. The Towns and Lands of Dromore, al. Carhudrehid, one Qur. Of Land, and divers other Lands. Co. Clare. Lord Clare
2368 The same Annabella, Anna and Katherine, by their Father, James Fitz-gerald, Esq. A Mortgage of 1000 l. By Lease and Release dated the 21 and 22 of March (69) to Robert Maude, who by Deeds dated the 23 and 24 of October (72), Assigned to Peter Clungeon, until paid 945 l. remained due of the 1000 l. and come to Claimants as Co-heirs to their Mother Anne, who was Intitled as Devisee, by the Will of the said Peter Clungeon. Witness to the Mortgage, John Cooper, & al. to the Assignment, O Bryan, & al. The Lands of Rosroe, al. Knockbrien, one Qur. And divers other Lands. Ba. Bunratty, and Tullagh. Co. Clare. Lord Clare
2406 Henry Earl of Thomond, by William Worth, Prochein Amy. Estate in Fee, and several chief rents, and Chiefries. By Descent. Dromunduffe, &c. Ba. Clounedirralawe. Ba. Bunratty, &c. Co. Clare. Co. Lymerick. Dermomot Fitz-patrick, Nich. White, Lord Brittas.
2539 Tho. Ld. Bishop of Killallooe. Sveral Rents and Chiefries in right of Bishoprick. By Antient Prescription. Out of several Lands of Killcarroll, &c. C. Clare. Ld. Clare.
2564 Earl of Inchiquin. Several Chief Rents. As Inheritance. Ballyallagh, and several other Lands. C. Clare. Ld. Clare.
2567 Earl of Inchiquin. The Rent and Reversion of 99 Years. By Lease dated the 30th of April 1666. Tere mc Bran, and other Lands. C. Clare. John Stephenson.
2646 Robert Woulfe, and Anstace ux. ejus, one of the Daughters of David Nihell, the Elder. 200 l. Portion. By Will of the said David, dated the 25 of June (85). Witnness Michael Nihell, & al. Fartenebeg, & al. B. Tullagh: Co. Clare. David Nihell.
2667 Sir William King. An Estate in Fee, which was to be conveyed to lord Clare, by Articles dated in by. By Letters-Pattents dated the 23 of May, 19 of King Cha. 2d. Manor of Tarbert. Creaghnarrow, and other Lands Co. Kerry. Co. Clare. Ba. Burren, and Inchiquin. Lord Clare
2708 Ellinor Nihell, als. Hackett, Widow, and Executrix of David Nihell. A Third Part of the Estate of her Testator. By his Will dated the 25th of June 85. Witness Mich. Nihell, & al. Fartanebegg, &c. C. Clare. B. Tullagh. David Nihell, Jun.
2764 Simon Gibbons, in behalf of Lucy Blackman a Minor. 630 l. Mortgage. By Deed dated the 20th of January 69 to Edward War, in Trust for Jacob Lucy, to whom Claimant is Nephew and Heir. Moyharta. C. Clare. B. Moyarta. Lord Clare
2929 Caesar Holland, a Minor per Guard. Simon White and Sarah Cotton, als Holland his Mother. Term for three Lives. By Lease to James o Hehir, dated the 1st of May 67. Witn. Walter Hickman, & al. And convey'd by the said James in Anno 85 to Zachary Holland, Claimant's Father, and come to Claimant, as Heir of the said Zachary. Cappoleigh. C. Clare. B. Islands. Ld. Clare.
2941 Tho. Daton, als Dalton. Mortgage in Fee for 130 l. and Interest. By Lease and release, dated the 1st and 2d of June 88. Wit. Der. Ryan, & al. to Ambrose Perry, who Assigned to Claimant. Ballydonaghan. Co. Clare. B. Tulla. Don. O Callaghan.
2941   Further Mortgage in Fee for 170 l. By Lease and release dated the 9th and 10th of November 1696. Witnesses, Don. o Callaghane, & al. to John Rourke in Trust for Claimant.      
2941   Residue of 21 Years, commenc. The 27th of Sept. 1696. By Lease dated the 20th of October 1696 to James Lynch in Trust for Claimant.      
3000 James Freny. Mortgage for 200 l. By Deed dated the 12th of May 84. Witnesses, Ambrose Perry, & al. And by Bond of that date for further security. Town and Lands of Anaghneale. C. Clare. B. Tullagh. Redmond Magrath.

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