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Guy's Directory, 1893

Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages:

R. S. O.

Money order and telegraph office. There are two deliveries of mails each day
Postmaster-Michael Sullivan
Conveyances-Corrofin a station West Clare ry; station ¾m. from town
Fairs and Markets-18 Feb, 20 May, 20 July, 12 Sept, 22 Nov, 14 Dec. Market day, Wednesday

Poor Law Union of Corrofin.

Nine electoral divisions. Board of Guardians meet every Wednesday
Chairman-Michael Hogan, Ballycashen, Kilnaboy
Vice-Chairman-John Cahir, Munnaleen, Kilnaboy
Deputy Vice-Chairman-James Cahill, Cahirbolane, Corrofin
Treasurer-Provincial Bank of Ireland, Ennis
Clerk and Returning officer-Patk M O'Sullivan
Master & Matron-John McGrath and Eliza Eagar
Chaplain-Catholic, Rev Michael O'Donovan, P P
Medical officer-Dr George U McNamara
Relieving officer-James Kenny, Corrofin
Rate collectors-Michael McKee, Cragmoher; John O'Halloran, Kells
Supt Registrar Births, Death and Marriages-P M O'Sullivan, clerk of union

Dispensary and Registration Officer.
-Dr Geo U McNamara

Petty Sessions Court.

Petty Session held fortnightly. Quar Sess dists of Ennis and Ennistimon
Clerk Petty Sess-Michael O'B McNamara
Civil bill officer-Joseph Darcy

Constabulary District of Ennistymon.

In charge of Corrofin station-Sergeant John Scott

District Registrar of Marriages.

Fitzpatrick, George, Corrofin


National-head teachers
Kilnaboy-Thomas Collins; Mrs Mary O'Connor
Kilnaboy (mixed)-Miss Bridget Kennelly
Wilbrook (mixed)-Miss Roche

Gentry and Clergy.

Collins, Thomas, Crossard
Foot, Rev John, A B, rector Killinaboy
Glynn, Thomas, Cood lodge
Hayes, Rev Michl, C C, Inchiquin
Holzapfel, Herr, professor music
Killeen, Timothy, Curraghkeel
Lingard, John Thomas, Cooga
McNamara, George U, L R C S I, L K Q C P I, L A DUB, Bunkyle house
McNamara, Ml, M R C S E, L A DUB
McNamara, Michael O'B, C P S
McNamara, J U, L R C S, L A DUB, Inchiquin house
Moran, Thomas, Wilbrook
Nagle, James, Elmvale house
O'Donovan, Rev Benjamin, C C
O'Donovan, Rev Michael, P P
O'Sullivan, Patk M, clk of union
Paterson, Lt-Col Marcus, J P, D L, Clifden house
Spellissey, Rev D
Studdert, John A, Cragmoher
Studdert, Major Chas Washington, J P, Cragmoher
Wilson, Jas Darling, J P, Roxton

Merchants, Shopkeepers, etc.

Daffy, Patrick, bacon merchant, grocer & vintner, High street
Doolan, Henry, bacon merchant and grocer, Back street
Fogarty, John, newsagt, High street
Fogarty, Mary, grocer & vintner, High street
Hurley, Thomas, grocer, High street
Keane, John, groc & vint, High street
Kenny, Jas, grocer, etc, High street
Kerin, Brdgt, groc & vint, High street
McNamara, John, groc, High street
McNamara, John jun, hardware merchant, High street
Mackey, Michl, bacon merchant, grocer, etc, Church street
Markham, Miss, grocer, High street
Miller, John, victualler, Bridge street
Monahan, Mchl, draper, High street
Moroney, John, grocer, vintner, etc, High street
Moroney, Michl, grocer, vintner, etc, High street
Mullins, Mrs T, bacon merchant, High street
O'Connor, Kate, grocer and vintner, Bridge street
O'Donnell, James, bacon and hardware merchant, High street
O'Donnell, Patrick, grocer, hardware merchant, High street
O'Halloran, Eliza, groc, vint, etc, High street
Quinn, Jas, groc & vint, High street
Roberts, Margt, draper, High street
Sullivan, Michael, baker and grocer, High street
Tierney, Connor, bacon merchant, Back street
Tierney, John, newsagt, Back street


Cahill, James, Caherbullaun
Cahill, Thomas D, Riverston
Cahill, Thomas J, Caherballaun
Cahir, John, Monanaleen
Cahir, Patrick, Drimnacreehy
Collins, James, Poplar
Collins, Patrick, Drummoher
Connole, James, Maghera
Edwards, George, Laghtagoona
Edwards, Patrick, Cahermacon
Flanagan, John, Shessiv
Flanagan, Patrick, Cahernamona
Glynn, John, Tullycommon
Grady, John, Glenquin
Guthrie, James, Drummoher
Hogan, Cornelius, Drummoher
Hogan, Michael, Ballycasheen
Hogan, Mrs K, Ballykinnacorra
Houlihan, Mrs Anne, Applevale
Hunt, Thomas, Corrofin
Kenny, James, Corrofin
McGann, Thomas, Whitemount
McGuane, Patrick, Scool
Mackey, Michael, Cregmoher
Neylan, James, Baunkyle
O'Keeffe, John, Leana
Russell, Walter, Glenquin
Shannon, John, Roxton
Shannon, Michael, Tonlegee
Sullivan, James, Corrofin


Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages:


Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages: