Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages: Kilbane
(Head office, Limerick.)
Broadford 3m. nearest money order and telegraph office
Postmaster-John Walsh
Conveyances-Killaloe 4m. (Killaloe br W & L ry) nearest station
Poor Law-Union of Limerick; Dispensary and Registration district
of Bridgetown
Petty Sessions district of Broadford
Constabulary district of Killaloe.
In charge of Kilbane station-Sergeant Morgan Flaherty
Schools, National-head teachers
Kilbane-M W Ryan; A J O'Brien
Arthur, Charles Wm Augustus, Glenomera house
Arthur, Mrs, Glenomera house
Kelly, John, boot and shoe dlr
O'Brien, Edward, grocer
Walsh, John, vintner
Bourke, William, Barbane
Burke, Francis, Barbane
Gunning T, Killeagy (Goonan)
Higgins, J C M, Kilbane
Hogan, John, Killokennedy
Hogan, Patrick, Killokennedy
Keane, Thomas, Kilbane
Moloney, Owen, Formoyle
Moroney, Michael, Formoylebeg
Ryan, James, Killeagy (Goonan)
Vaughan, Danl, Clongaheen east
Vaughan, Patrick, Kilbane
Walsh, John, Cloonyconrymore