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Guy's Directory, 1893

Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages:

(Head office, Limerick.)
Scarriff 1m. nearest money order and telegraph office
Postmaster-David Bourke
Conveyances-Killaloe 8m. (Killaloe br W & L ry) nearest station
Poor Law-Union of Scarriff; Dispensary and Registration districy of Mountshannon
Petty Sessions Court-Every fortnight. Quar Sess dists of Ennis and Ennistimon
Clerk Petty Sess-Capt Alfred H Pilkington, Ennis
Civil bill officer-Denis Byrnes
Constabulary district of Killaloe. In charge of Tomgraney station-Sergeant W Morrissy
Schools, National-head teachers
Tomgraney-John Noonan; Mrs Noonan

Gentry and Clergy.

Belcher, Rev Andrew H, A M, preb
Berry, Rev Rodolphus M, curate C I
McMahon, Rev Francis, C C, Tomgraney
Moreland, Lady Dorcas, Raheens manor
Moreland, Robert H William, Raheens manor


Boland, William, grocer
McCormack, Patrick, grocer
Malone, Edward, grocer


Boland, James, Callahy
Brady, Michael, Tomgraney
Duggan, Mrs, Tomgraney
Mackey, Patrick, Drewsborough
McDonnell, Patrick, Cullawn
O'Brien, Timothy, Ballyvannan


Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages:


Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages: