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Guy's Directory, 1893

Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages:

Brennan, Patrick, Tulla
Conheady, Anne, Moymore
Connell, Mary, Derrymore west
Connell, Michl, Derrymore west
Connell, Thady, Derrymore west
Connellan, Bdgt, Gorteenaneelig
Cudmore, Patrick, Fortane
Daly, John, Tulla
Donohoe, James, Doonaun
Duffy, John, Rathclooney
Flynn, Patrick, Miltown
Gunning, Michael, Clogher
Halloran, Denis, Tulla
Halpin, William, Cloonaleary
Hanley, Robert, Derrymore east
Hogan, Patrick, Cloonteen
Leddy, James, Rosslara
Lyons, Daniel, Toonagh
McGrath, Bridget, Kiltannon
McGrath, Patrick, Ballyblood
McInerney, Ignatius, Cloondoorney
McNamara, Denis, Fomerla
Molony, Martin, Uggoon
Moroney, Anne, Toonagh
Murphy, Edmond, Lahardaun
Murphy, Winifred, Lahardaun
Neylan, William, Garrenagh
O'Gorman, John, Knockadoon
O'Gorman, Richard, Sraheen
O'Halloran, James, Rosslara
O'Halloran, P J, Mount Allen
Piper, Margaret, Ardbooley lr
Powell, William, Cloondoorney
Power, John, Muckinish
Rochford, Michael, Kilboggoon
Ryan, Matthew, Fortanemore
Ryan, Patrick, Cutteenbeg
Scanlan, Edmond, Lecarrow
Scanlan, James, Rosslara
White, Thomas, Tulla


Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages:
Tulla: Merchants, Shopkeepers, Trades, etc.


Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages: