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Guy's Directory, 1893

Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages:
Gentry & Clergy

Browne, Thomas B, J P, Newgrove
Gore, Poole H, Tyredagh
Greer, Rev J Bolton, rect
Hayes, Very Rev John, V F, P P
Huggins, David G, dist insp R I C
Keogh, Capt Henry, R M
Lynch, Rev Timothy, C C
Molony, Jas, F R C S I, L K Q C P I, L M, Clonmore
Molony, Michael Charles, L R C S I
Murphy, Timothy, clerk union
O'Callaghan, Charles George, J P, D L (Late Capt 1st Dragoon Guards), Ballinahinch
O'Callaghan, John, J P (colonel Clare artillery, late capt 62nd foot), Maryfort; Army and Navy Club, London, S W
Quinn, Rev Peter, C C
Scanlan, Stephen, M D, MCH, RUI, Rosslara
Sheppard, Rev William J, curate C I


Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages:
Tulla: Official & General Information


Part 5: Postal Directory of Towns and Villages:
Tulla: Merchants, Shopkeepers, Trades, etc.