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Slater's Directory, 1846

Part 3: Tulla: Description

TULLA or TULLOH, is a market town and parish, in the barony of Upper Tulla, county of Clare, about 140 miles W.N.W from Dublin and 12½ E. from Ennis; pleasantly situated amidst delightful scenery and elegant mansions, and the site being lofty, the air is remarkably salubrious. Being a considerable thoroughfare, the trade of the place derives advantage from it; but the supply of the neighbourhood constitute the main business of the shopkeepers. A station of the constabulary force is in the town; petty sessions are held on alternate Thursdays, and a manorial court monthly.

The parish church is an unpretending edifice with a spire, having a glebe-house adjoining, and the Roman Catholic chapel is a neat building. There is a church education school, a national, and three private ones. On the hill of Tulla are the remains of an abbey and a druidical altar. At Kiltanon, in this parish, is a succession of caverns, perforated in the limestone rock, through which a rivulet takes its course; and many petrified shells are found in the limestone, some of which are nearly perfect, and very curious. The market is held on Thursday. Fairs May 13th and September 29th. The population of the parish, in 1841, was 8,748, and of the town 1,217 of that number.


Part 3: Tulla


Part 3: Tulla: Gentry and Clergy