The Census of Ireland (1659), also known as Petty's or Pender's
Census, provides townland census returns of the inhabitants
of most of the country, arranged in counties, baronies, parishes
and townlands. In addition to the number of inhabitants and
their racial classification, the returns supply the names of
the principal occupiers, referred to as ‘Tituladoes’.
The returns also give the names and numbers of the principal
Irish, by barony. The original manuscripts were discovered among
the Lansdowne Papers in Bowood House, Wiltshire, England and
are now in the British Library (Petty Papers Vol. XXVII, Add.
MSS. 72876). The Census was published by the Manuscripts Commission
(Dublin, 1939), edited by Séamus Pender.
Number of People in the County of Clare
and in each Barony