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The Heavy Metal Guv'nor: Giles D'Arcy (1821-1903), Governor of Ennis Jail
by Declan Barron

Ennis Jail

The Heavy Metal Guv'nor – Giles D'Arcy (1821-1903) by Declan Barron (PDF)

Three generations of D’Arcys were governors of Ennis Jail between 1811 and the 1860s. The last to hold the post – Giles – was forced to resign after objections were made in 1862 regarding his extensive farming activities while he was employed at the jail. A colourful and belligerent man, Giles was no stranger to the law courts himself. This article outlines the Darcy family’s fortunes, the development of Ennis Jail and the career of Giles Darcy. Clare County Library is grateful to Declan Barron for donating this article.

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