I.T.A. Topographical and General Survey 1942/3
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Amenities, General Iinformation & Accommodation, Towns and Villages (Other than seaside)


Barony of: Tullagh, Parish: Doonass, Population: 75
Location and Brief Description:
Clonlara village is situated 8 miles from Limerick, 6 miles from Killaloe and 1½ miles from the Falls of Doonass. It is connected to the main Limerick Killaloe Road by a concrete bridge over the new Shannon Hydro Electric Head Race (or Canal). There is nothing in the village which would appeal to tourists. There are no lodgings, dinner or teas, no public water supply, sewerage, or sanitation, and the monument - or emblem - of gratitude erected to the memory of Sir Hugh Massy by a grateful rent freed tenantry, is allowed to become the village eyesore by their rent fee posterity.

Brief comments on water supply and sewerage:
The water supply in the village pump is condemned by the M.O.H. The P.P. allows the villagers to use private supply for domestic purposes. No sewerage system exists, and the few dry closets of the village and N. Schools, are primitive and unsanitary.

Public Services
Nearest station: Limerick
Bus? Yes twice daily
Public lighting by—Electricity? Yes Gas? No

Dance Hall: Nearest dance hall at ‘Fall’s Hotel’, Doonass. Accommodates 400. Proprietor: Mr. Laurence Meaney

Churches and Services
Church Service (Sundays):
Roman Catholic 9.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. New Time
Church of Ireland
2nd 4th and 5th Sundays, 12 noon
1st and 3rd 3.00 p.m.

Postal Facilities
Location of Post Office: In village
Business (? M.O., Telegraph, Telephone): No M.O. business. Telegraph and Telephone in operation.

Public Monuments (Brief description; inscription to be quoted)
Sir Hugh Dillon Massy’s ” Erected by a grateful tenantry to the memory of Sir Hugh Dillon Massy Baronet of Doonass House, who departed this life 1870 aged 73 years."
NOTE: Sir H. Massy gave houses and land rent free for ever to the Clonlara villagers. His monument is now covered with briars and ivy, and an eyesore in the village.

Important Public Buildings (Give brief notes on architectural features)
The only public buildings in the village are the Roman Catholic, and Protestant churches. The style of architecture of both is gothic. The former was built in 1870. The latter was built in 1743. Neither present any special architectural features.

Schools and Colleges
There is a very dilapidated National School in the village.

Nearest - Limerick, 6 miles distant
District Cottage Hospital – Raheen, Scariff - 14 miles distant

Fairs and Markets; Half-Holiday
Monthly Fairs and Markets: None
Weekly Market Day: None
Half-Holiday: Thursday

Camping Sites (At principal holiday resorts)
Location: At the Fall’s Hotel, camping sites will be rented at a nominal figure. Landowner: Mr. Laurence Meaney, The Fall’s Hotel, Doonass, Clonlara, Co. Clare.

Clonlara, 2 Licensed Premises. Tourists are not catered for in village.
Doonass, Falls Hotel, Proprietor: Mr. L. Meaney, No Guest Bedrooms, No Baths, 2 Flush Lavatories, 2 Public Rooms, Dance Hall, Not Licensed. Mr. Meaney will rent camping sites at a nominal price, and will give reliable information about the history, beauties, and antiquities, of Doonass, to visitors, and the I.T.A. He is a folklorist and historian. The lawn in front of the hotel is expansive, seated and well kept. The lease forbids the proprietor to sell intoxicating liquor.

Guest or Boarding Houses
Keane’s Hotels, Castleconnell, 5 Guest Bedrooms, 1 Bath, 1 Flush Lavatory, 1 Public Room, Licensed. Keane’s Hotel, Castleconnell is run by a management and is the only hotel catering for anglers along the three mile stretch of river, comprising the Falls of Doonass. A 40lb salmon was caught by a guest of this hotel in May (1943).
There is no regular boarding house in Castleconnell at the present time, or no post war planning. Military personnel and their families occupy the available accommodation.

Restaurants and Cafés
No Restaurants, Cafés or Lodgings. The Fall’s Hotel, Doonass, supplies teas, ham or ham and eggs at very short notice, and at any time of the day. This hotel is clean and well kept but does not put up guests or lodgers.
O’Shea’s “licensed” premises, Mackey’s private house and others, will supply luncheon and teas.

Date: June 1943
(Signed): Ralph Lucas Surveyor.
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