Location and Brief Description:
The town of Killaloe is situated on the western side of the
Shannon just where this river begins to expand to form the most beautiful
of its lakes, Lough Derg. The greater part of the town is situated on
a hill overlooking the Shannon and is probably the most interesting
town in Clare both to the visitor and archaeologist. It is a well- known
fishing centre, particularly for the dapping season. Killaloe is twelve
miles from Limerick.
Brief comments on water supply and sewerage:
Water supply good. Up-to-date sewerage.
Public Services
Nearest station: Birdhill
Distance: 2½ miles
Bus? Yes, Scariff via Killaloe to Limerick
Public lighting by Electricity? Yes Gas? No
Dance Hall: Yes. Kincora Hall situated in Church St. Proprietor:
Controlled by local company
Cinemas and Theatres
Cinemas: One just opened by a Mr. Ryan
Pictures shown (nights): Number of shows not fixed. Generally
every Sunday night and once during week-days.
Public Libraries: County Council Library at National School.
Private Lending Libraries: Branch of “Foyles”
at Mr. Bartone situated on “The Green”.
Churches and Services
Church: |
Services (Sundays): |
Catholic. |
8.30 and 11.00 |
Protestant. |
11.30 |
Postal Facilities
Location of Post Office: On the right hand side going up
Main St.
Business (? M.O., Telegraph, Telephone:) All P.O. business
Banks: Provincial Bank
Sports and Photo Supplies
Sports Dealers: Gleesons, Main St., Thomsons, Main St.
Photographic Stores: “Behans Stores” Main St.
Social Clubs, Cultural Societies, &c.
Social Clubs: Killaloe Social Club
Industries and Handcrafts
Industries: Card board box factory. Eel fishing under the
control of the Shannon Fisheries is a very important industry here.
Over £3,000 profit on last year’s catch.
Public Monuments (Brief description; inscription
to be quoted)
Very fine lime-stone slab on the bridge of Killaloe erected to the
memory of the undermentioned. The inscription in Irish is:-I
ndíl chuimhne na bhfear dtréan, Míchéal
Mach Mathghamhna, Martín Mach Giollaidhe, Alphonsus Mach Ruadhrí,
Míchéal Mach Aodhagáin, ceathrar óglaí
d’arm poblachta na h-Éireann do dúnmarbhadh le
h-amhsáidh Sasanna ar an ndroichéad ar uair an mheadhan
oidhche an 16 lá de mhís na Samhna 1920. Go ndéine
Dia tróchaire ar a h-anama.
Schools and Colleges
Boys National School
Convent of the Sisters of Mercy
Fairs and Markets; Half-Holiday
Monthly Fairs and Markets: January 19th, February 28th, April
12th, May 20th, June 26th,
July 16th, August 12th, Sept 3rd, Oct 2, Nov 17th, Dec 29th.
Weekly Market Day: Tuesday
Half-Holiday: Wednesday
Garages and Petrol Stations
P.F. Ryan, Main St.
M. Collins, Newtown
Conveyances for Hire (Owners):
Motors (Touring): P.F. Ryan, M. Collins, P.W. Ryan, Gaynors,
P.W. Ryan
Boats (State type): J & C. Reddan, Canal Bank, has about
six boats – rowing and motor boats. McEverys, Canal Bank also
have boats–rowing and motor boats.
Local Improvements Committee:
Yes Secretary: W. Minogue
Accommodation and Catering
There is no hotel in Killaloe proper which can be recommended. The
Shannon View Hotel is in a bad state of repair and badly kept. Shannon
View Hotel: 10 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Licensed.
Restaurants and Cafés
Mrs. Daly and Mrs. Iris, Canal Bank
P. Ryan, Cathedral Place
Mrs. Cox, Main St.