I.T.A. Topographical and General Survey 1942/3
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Amenities, General Iinformation & Accommodation, Towns and Villages (Other than seaside)


Barony of: Moyarta, Parish: Kilrush, Population: 3,393
Location and Brief Description:
Kilrush, the principal seaport town in Clare is situated on the estuary of the River Shannon - 8 mls. S.-E. of the seaside resort Kilkee 5 mls. S.-W. of Cooraclare village and 19 mls. E. and slightly N. of the famous Loop-Head. It is the 2nd largest town in Clare, with the distinction of having Ireland’s 2nd widest street - Francis St. Steam boats are regularly plying between Kilrush and Limerick and the town is the chief market centre for S.-W. Clare. The town is admirably situated mid river, wood and hills, but there are some very bad houses in the main streets.

Is there a Town Hall? Yes Location: Market Square, Kilrush.
Parks, Gardens and Recreation Grounds. Brief Description: Gaelic-football pitch, golf course and tennis courts.

Brief comments on water supply and sewerage:
Both sewerage system and water supply were laid in 1930. The water is pumped through a reservoir. Both schemes are good and under the care of Kilrush U.D.C.

Public Services
Nearest station: Francis St., Kilrush
Bus? Yes, Henry St.
Public lighting by—Electricity? Yes, E.S.B. Gas?

Dance Hall Proprietor
Town Hall Kilrush U.D.C.
Hibernian Mr. Nolan, Francis St., Kilrush

Cinemas and Theatres
Cinemas: Mr. Tubridy, C.E., Kilrush. Pictures shown (nights): Nightly

Public Libraries: Branch of the Clare County Library
Private Lending Libraries: Two

Churches and Services
Churches Services (Sundays)
R.C. Church 8.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m., and 11.30 a.m.
Church of Ireland 10.00 a.m.

Postal Facilities
Location of Post Office: Moore St., Kilrush
Business (? M.O., Telegraph, Telephone): All business transacted.

Banks: Bank of Ireland; Provincial; M. National

Sports and Photo Supplies
Sports Dealers: Chemists
Photographic Stores:
J.C. & Doyle, Henry St., Chemists.

Social Clubs, Cultural Societies, &c.
Social Clubs: The Toler St. Club; Labour Hall; Temperance Hall.

Industries and Handcrafts
Flour and meal industry (M. Glynn & Sons) (an employer of 84).
The Irish Marine Products Ltd. (Feeding Meals are manufactured from Sea-weed.) (30 Employed). A Carrageen industry is in its infancy.
Doherty’s Timber Mills.
The West Clare Central Creamery.

Public Monuments (Brief description; inscription to be quoted)
A public monument to the Manchester martyrs – Allen, Larkin and O’Brien stands in the square. On a stone base four round stone pillars are erected, each crowned by a stone capping decorated with enterlacings and supporting a semi-circular stone arch. Four marble panels are fitted between the pillars.

Important Public Buildings (Give brief notes on architectural features)
The Kilrush R.C. Church is a fine specimen of Romanesque architecture, built in cut stone. The doorway to a beautiful example and is in four orders decorated with roundels. The ancient window of Kilimer Church ruin - with inclining jambs and round head inside and outside - is fitted into the tower of the church. It dates from the 9th Century. The Romanesque Chancel window is fitted

Schools and Colleges
Christian Bros. Secondary and National
Kilrush National School
Convent Secondary School
Technical School

Kilrush District Hospital

Fairs and Markets; Half-Holiday
Monthly Fairs and Markets: Cattle and pig fairs each month. Four horse fairs in the year.
Weekly Market Day: Saturday
Half-Holiday: Thursday

Garages and Petrol Stations
A. Ryan & Sons, Henry St.;
T.J. Reidy, Henry St.;
Michael O’Shea, Francis St.

Conveyances for Hire (Owners):
Motors (Touring): G. Griffin, 8 Nagle Terrace; J. Clune, Moore St.; A. McNamara, Burton St.; & Garage proprietors named above.
Boats (State type): Glynn’s steam boat plys between Kilrush and Limerick (passengers are brought free by permission of Mr. Glynn). This is very convenient for holiday makers in summer, who can get to Kilrush as above from Limerick, and Kilkee is only 8 mls. from Kilrush.

Camping Sites (At principal holiday resorts)
Location Landowner:
Cappa (by the Shannon) Several owners
The Wood Dept. of Forestry
Hog Island T.J. Reidy

Local Improvements Committee: Kilrush U.D.C. Secretary: James Clancy

William’s Hotel Francis St. 13 Guest Bedrooms, 2 Baths, 3 Flush Lavatory’s, 3 Public Rooms, Licensed. Excellent

Guest or Boarding Houses
Rush's , Francis St., 2 Double Guest Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, 1 Flush Lavatory, 2 Public Rooms, Not Licensed. Very good catering and accommodation.
Miss Carey, Francis St., 1 Double Guest Bedroom, No Bathrooms, 1 Flush Lavatory, 2 Public Rooms, Not Licensed. Fairly good house.
Miss Brew, The Square, 2 Guest Bedrooms, No Bathrooms, 1 Flush Lavatory, 2 Public Rooms, Not Licensed. Good catering etc.
Miss Carmody, The Square, 3 Guest Bedrooms, No Bathrooms, 1 Flush Lavatory, 2 Public Rooms, Licensed. Good catering etc.
Lynch’s, Moore St. 7 Guest Bedrooms 1 Bath, 1 Flush Lavatory, 2 Public Rooms, Not Licensed. Very Good Accommodation and Catering
Mrs. Walsh, Moore St. 4 Guest Bedrooms, 1 Bath, 1 Flush Lavatory, 2 Public Rooms, Licensed. Fairly decent and Catering
Miss Fennell, Henry St. 3 Guest Bedrooms, 1 Bath, 1 Flush Lavatory, 2 Public Rooms, Not Licensed. Very Good House
Miss Corry, Henry St. 3 Guest Bedrooms, 1 Bath, 1 Flush Lavatory, 2 Public Rooms, Licensed. Very Good House
Mr. Stephen O’Dea, Henry St. 5 Guest Bedrooms, 1 Bath, 1 Flush Lavatory, 2 Public Rooms, Not Licensed. Good House
Mrs. Madigan, Vandeleur St. 4 Guest Bedrooms, Nil Baths, 1 Lavatory (not flush), 2 Public Rooms, Not Licensed. Very Good Catering
Miss Howard, Vandeleur St. 5 Guest Bedrooms, Nil Baths, 1 Lavatory (not flush), 2 Public Rooms, Not Licensed. Fairly Good Catering

Restaurants and Cafes
Lynch's, Moore St.
Rush's, Francis St.,
Miss Fennell, Hensy St.,
Miss Carmody, The Square,
Miss Brew, The Square.

Date: 30/10/43
(Signed): James Henchy Surveyor.
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