Lloyd's Tour of Clare, 1780
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1. [CEANNCORA] This was the large and royal Mansion of BRYAN BOROVY, and his illustrious Ancestors, this renown’d Deliverer of his Country, reign’d 36 Years King of Munster, and 12 Years Monarch of Ireland; he fought 49 Battles against the Danes and their Allies, &c.?in most of which he was Victorious; the last, he fought on Good Friday the 22d of April, 1034, on the Plains of Clontarff, near Dublin, where he fell at the Age of 88 Years, with his valiant Son MOROGH, a Prince of exalted Virtues and remarkable Bravery; as also, the select Part of the Connaught and Munster Troops; the declared enemies of Ireland got such a final Defeat on that Memorable Day, that they never after rul’d, much less retrieve themselves to any Perfection ever since in this Kingdom; the Monarch and his Son Morogh were interr’d with great Solemnity in the Metropolitan Church of Ardmagh——this decisive Battle, so generally authenticated in Irish Annals, that a further detail of it (to ascertain the Valour of the brave Dalgassians) is totally unnecessary.

2. Innistymon in the Barony of Corcamroe, is a rising Village, ornamented with an elegant Bridge, and a delightful Waterfall——here is an old Chappel, and a new Church, with two noted Capital Fairs in the Year; here is a large and plentiful Market every Saturday, and as well stock’d with Stockings, as Killaloe is with Eels.
This is the Estate of EDWARD O’BRIEN Esq; Chief of that distinguish’d, ancient, Family of DOUGH.

3. [MOY] (Whose Castle, Out-Offices and grand, old, Improvements almost gone to ruin) is, with it’s Extensive Denominations, the Estate of EDWARD FITZ GERALD, of Carigoran, Esq; one of our present Representatives, and Chief of that ancient Tuscan Branch (of the most Noble House of Killdare) in this County.

4. [KILKEE] The most Western Seat on this Coast, is a spacious and regular old Modell’d House, with many Out-Offices, situate on the Brink of a delightful Bay, and a pleasant Beach, decorated with Sand Hills, and shelter’d from the North West Wind, by a commanding Eminence. This is the Estate of CHAR. MAC DONNELL, of Newhall, Esq; Chief of that antient Ultonian Line, in North Munster.

5. There is a Multiplicity of Gentlemen’s Seats between Lup’s Head and Limerick delightfully situated on the Rivers Shannon and Fergus. Their charming Prospect and elegant Improvements richly merit the Attention of the Curious.
Behold, PARADISE, with it’s lofty and airy Summit, pleasantly situated and overlooking both Rivers on a Commanding Eminence, which freely affords a Romantic Survey of Part of three or four Countries: This noble Situation is Ornamented with a Charming and Bewildering Shrubbery, beautiful Gardens, Avenues, Lawns and Cascades, which truely contribute to make it a Munster Paradise, and stand Conspicuous among the first and most Eligible Seats in this Kingdom.—This is the Mansion Place and Estate of RICHARD HENN Esq; (a Minor) eldest Son of the late WILLIAM HENN Esq; to the Memory of whom the following short Elegy was deservedly offer’d by a Native of this County.

ALAS! what tears! what grief and sad despair!
Are still attendant on the County Clare;
Oh! poor North Munstor doleful is thy doom!
Thy chiefest branches lopt in early bloom;
When lofty Oaks are rent by dire alarm,
The Under-Wood, alas! must feel the storm;
Some vengeful hand, some planetary pest,
Presides of late all o’er the dreary West;
Great Charles open’d first that tragic scene, (Charles M’Donald, Esq)
Which now is clos’d by noble-minded Henn;
A courteous man exempt from spleen or pride,
Whom honour led, and letters dignify’d;
The husband kind, the master truly good,
The loving father of a lovely brood;
A gen’rous friend to poor and indigent,
To social life a lively ornament:
Oh! cruel decree thro’ which you got a charge,
So soon to follow much lamented George. (George Colepoys, Esq;)
Else, couldst thou think to quit with peace of mind,
Those tender pledges left by thee behind;
Oh! what can render comfort in this life,
To your afflicted, dear and virtuous wife?
Whose female friends with her, by woeful fate,
Are plung’d in mourning at any early date;
Ah! Cursed death that gave the final wound,
By William’s loss our losses all are crown’d:
Than whom no soul among the joyous throng,
More freely gave a bottle and a song;
He lov’d the poet and the man of arts,
These times when others slight both wit and parts;
Hence, will his fame to after ages shine,
By free transmission thro’ each living line;
And cause his name to be register’d o’er,
Till tongues are still’d and pens shall be no more.
Ennis, Jan. 21, 1779. T[homas]. M[eeha]n.

6. An English Nobleman, renown’d for his long contested Wars with Terlagh O’Brien, Prince of North Munster, call’d by Antiquarians Terlagh na Cathreime——the Earl of Clarence overbearing and ambitious to usurp a Sovereignty in this County, was, after many bloody Engagements with Terlagh O’Brien, and his Confederate Chiefs, kill’d with most of his gallant Troops, near Dysart in the Barony of Inchiquin, by the valiant O’Dea, then Chief of that same Territory, the intrepid Phelim O’Connor of Corcamroe, and the brave Loghlen Laidir O’Heihir, Lord of Icormack——these noble Chiefs, (who were Subjects to Terlagh) fought that Day at the Head of their respective Clans, with unabated Fury and Courage, until dear-bought Victory at last declar’d for them——that memorable Action, or rather Carnage, with the loss of the great and warlike Clarence, put an End to the fatal Contests, and secur’d the Sovereignty and peaceable Possession of North Munster to Terlagh More and his Descendants.——Note, that this turbulent Time happen’d in the Reign of Henry the Third of England.
This Victorious Terlagh O’Brien, was Son to Teige O’Brien—Sirnamed Caoiluisge, who was Prince of Thomond 28 Years, this Terlagh was likewise Prince of Thomond, and was Married to a Daughter of Conmea More Mac Namara, Prince of Clancullane.
It was the same—that built the Castle of Clonroad, near Ennis, where he mostly Resided.

7. BUNRATTY—bordering the Shannon, well-known for some Ages to be the noble Residence of that once illustrious Senior Branch of the O’Brien Family, and now the Extinct House of Thomond.
This antient Mansion is compos’d of a Magnificent Court, Quadrangled with four large, Spacious, Castles——the Offices and Improvements were grand in proportion——the situation always engaging and elegant, with as good Land annex’d to it as any in the Province of Munster: it is fronted by a safe and commodious Harbour, and shelter’d with a Cluster of Verdant Islands; here the Warlike Clarence or Claragh More, already mentioned, resided for some Time; and since that Period, a noble Succession of the O’Briens; at present and for many Years past, it is the Seat of Thomas Studdart, Sen. Esq.

8. O’Brien’s Bridge, six miles N. E. of Limerick, situate on the Shannon, is considerably long and broad, built on 15 Acres; it derives its Name from Sir Donough O’Brien Baronet, under whose Directions and Superintendence it was Erected; here are some few Houses, it is a Capital Pass and Fair Place, and opens a free Intercourse between this and the County Tipperary.

9. The O’Connors and O’Loghlens, tho’ formerly principal Inheritors in this County; were not of the Dalgassian Race, but of an Antient and Royal, Northern, Extraction.

10. Mac Clancies, Mac Inerhinies, O’Deas, O’Heihirs, O’Nelans, O’Hogans, O’Gradys, O’Caseys, Mac Craiths, Mac Considins, Mac Gormans, Mac Galleroys, O’Molouneys, O’Davorens, and O’Hallorans, were Gentlemen of considerable Properties and Consequence in this County.
N.B. The above Names are written as they are commonly express’d, which by due propriety should be Macs Clanchy, Macs Inerhiny, &c.

11. [CONCHURE NA SIUDDINE] This Prince (So call’d from Sudinny the Name of a Wood in the Upper Part of Burren, near which he was kill’d) was Grandson to the great Daniel O’Brien already mention’d, and Father to the warlike and renown’d Terlaugh; also, to Brian Roe O’Brien, from whom descended the O’Briens of Duthara.

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