Lloyd's Tour of Clare, 1780
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Killrush, Scatt’ry Island

Two Miles East of this Strand lies KILLRUSH, a great Herring Fishery, it’s a handsome Village, with a long and wide Street, and some good Houses; the Inhabitants are Industrious, Humane and agreeable; here is a plentiful Market every Saturday: No less than a hundred Boats of different Burthens belong to this Town and Neighbourhood——This pleasant Stuation, with an extensive Tract in this Country, was an antient Estate of that Gallant, Uultonian, old, Family, the O’KEANS of the West; and now it’s the Property of CROFTON VANDELEUR Esq.

Off KILLRUSH in the SHANNON, lies SCATT’RY ISLAND or ENNISCATHA, famous for it’s being the Residence of that pious and early Christian St. SENAN, who (for his Miraculous Life, and Sanctified Morals) is Illustrious among the first and Holy Recorded Irish Saints: This celebrated Saint was born near KILLRUSH: In ancient Time, Numbers of all Ranks, from various Parts resorted hither to perform Penance, and offer large Donations before this Holy Shrine: Here is, perhaps, the loftiest old Steeple in the Kingdom, with five or six large and small Churches, here is, also, a noted and excellent Harbour for large and small Vessels.

ENNISCATHA, so call’d from CATHAGH, the Name of that horrible Monster who resided here, until expell’d by St. SENAN, who (by Divine Ordinance) took possession of the Island.

From CARRIGHOLT to CLARE and LIMERICK, along the Rivers SHANNON and FERGUS, offers a most agreeable Landscape of safe and commodious Harbours, fragrant and fruitful Islands; a delightful Country well Stock’d and Cultivated, and Embellish’d with beautiful Seats, (5) abounding with all necessary accommodations sufficient to Sooth the Pleasures of Human Life.

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