Lloyd's Tour of Clare, 1780
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Mount Callen

Contiguous to this Coast of MALBAY, is the high MOUNT CALLEN, which commands an inviting Prospect of the whole Country, it’s fruitful Environs are Inhabited by the Descendants of Northern or Ultonian Emigrants to this Country, during the late Wars in this Kingdom; they are an honest endeavouring Sort of People.

On this remarkable high Mountain, is a large, flat, Stone, under which CONANUS (one of the Celebrated Irish Militia) is buried; this Stone hath an Irish, Celtic, Inscription on it, which implies in English, under this Stone lies the furious and long-legg’d CONANUS—probably this Mountain takes, it’s Name from this Monumental Stone, as Callaan is one of the Irish Appellations for a Rock, or Stone. According to Irish Romance, the above Gentleman, was a very Uncouth Officer, and a Voracious Eater.

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