Mason's Parochial Survey, 1814-19

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Union of Kilmanaheen, Kilasbuglenane, Kilmacreehy, Kileilagh and Kilmoon

Appendix No. 1:

Extracts from a Manuscript found among the papers of the late Laurence Healy of Ennistymon, an old School-master, and extracted by him, from some of the works of Hugh M’Curtin.

Cormac-Cas, second son of Oliol Olum, succeeded, as king of Leath-Mogh, anno Christi 183. He was one of the three best champions of Ireland in his time. He forced tribute and hostages from the Isles of Britain 30 times, and settled the revenues in Munster in such a manner, that the king could not be defrauded nor the subject oppressed.
Lamaria, daughter of Fion M’Cumhail, the famous general of the Irish militia, was his wife.
Mocorbus, king of Munster, anno Christi 204. He fought the great battle of Gabhra against Cairbre Liffichair Monarch of Ireland, where the Militia and 28,000 men were slain. In this battle the celebrated Irish champions called Fionaiv Erion, after incredible acts of valour, lost their lives, and soon after this prince was murdered at La-Mis in the county of Kerry, by the king of Connaught.
Torcorbus king of Munster, anno Christi 232; Eaneas Tireach, king of Munster, anno Christi 290, he married the daughter of Fiocha Strathbhuine, monarch of Ireland.
Lugadius Mean, king of Munster, anno Christi 298. He conquered the country now called the county of Clare, and separated it from Connaught and joined it to Munster.
Connoll of the swift horses, king of Munster, anno Christi 319. He was a very brave and generous prince, and so highly favoured by Criomhthain, Monarch of Ireland of the Heberian line, that he gave him and his heirs for ever the sovereignty of the two provinces of Munster, which grant being contrary to the settlement made by Oliol Olum, the nobility of south Munster complained of the injustice to Conoll, who generously resigned the crown to Corc, descended from Eagan Og, eldest son of Oliol Ollum.

Cas M’Faill, King of Munster, anno Christi 343, from whom the famous tribe of the Dalgassians are named and descended. They were called otherwise Clan Fail, and were the best defenders of the nation for above 300 years, as may appear by their wonderful and heroic exploits against the Danes and Norwegians.

This prince had 12 sons, from some of whom sprung the following families:

1. Blood, the eldest, from whom descended the illustrious families of the O’Brians,
Macmahons, O’Kennedy’s, O’Kenny’s &c.
2. Caisin, second son, from whom sprung the noble families of the Macnamaras,
M’Clanchy’s, &c.
3. Eocha Dealbhuine, from whom the noble family of the Coughlains of Delvin in
Leinstersprung, &c.
4. Deagh, from whom sprung the O’Deas, who were formerly of very great
consequence, and the M’Brodys, historians and antiquarians to the O’Briens.

Carhan-fion, king of Thomond, comprehending the counties of Clare, Limerick and Tipperary. He was converted to the Christian faith by St. Patrick, in the year of Christ 434.

Eochadh, Ball-Dearg king of Muster, A. C. 465.
Connoll king of Thomond, A. C. 520.
Hugh, sirnamed the mild king of Munster, A. C. 561.
Cathal king of Thomond, A. C. 612.
Terlagh king of Munster, A. C. 653.
Mahon king of Thomond, A. C. 694.
Anluan king of Munster, A. C. 735.
Corc king of Munster, A. C. 776.
Laghtna king of Munster, A. C. 819.
Larcan king of Munster, A. C. 860.
Kennedy king of Munster, A. C. 902.

And from his son Donchuan sprung the noble family of the O’Kennedys princes of Ormond in Ireland, and the earls of Cassilis in Scotland, and from his son Eagheirin came the family of the Magraths.

Bryan Borovey, king of Munster 12 years, king of Leaghmogha 36 years, and monarch of Ireland 12 years. He began
his reign of Munster anno Domini 974.
His reign of Leagh Moghadh A. D. 986.
And his reign over all Ireland A. D.: 1022.


He was, without contradiction, the best prince that ever reigned in Ireland, and may be justly compared to any prince that ever lived. He fought 25, battles, other authors affirm 50, against his foreign and domestic enemies, in all of which he was victorious.
Then, having established tranquillity in the kingdom, unknown to most of his predecessors, he set about reforming the state, which was in great confusion, occasioned by the frequent wars with the Danes.
In the first place, he gave magnificent presents to the grandees, and confirmed them in their privileges; which had that happy effect that it secured them in their loyalty.
He then rebuilt and repaired the churches and monasteries the Danes had destroyed, particularly the metropolitan church of Ardmagh, the cathedral church of Killaloe, the church of Carmin in the Island of Inniscaltragh, and the church of Tomgreany, which he made one of the richest prebends in the kingdom. Having settled religion on its ancient footing, he repaired the public schools, erected new academics, and made provision for young persons that thirsted after learning, but were unable to support themselves; by which means the sciences were restored, which had been almost banished out of the nation by the Danes.

The Commons likewise shared his bounty; for he bestowed on the most deserving of them the lands he had taken from the Danes, if the original proprietors were not alive, of whom such as survived and could prove their right were put in possession of their former estates. He also erected forts in several places in the kingdom, into which he put strong garrisons; he caused the public roads to be repaired, and bridges to be built over rivers and deep waters; he revised laws, purged them of all corruptions, and caused them to be executed with so much rigour, that a handsome young woman, (as recorded) travelled alone the whole length of Ireland, with only a wand in her hand, and a ring of great value fixed on the top of it, without the least molestation. He also appointed sirnames of distinction to all the branches of the Milesian race, and regulated the precedency of the nobility in the general assemblies; and would allow no person to bear arms in his court but the Dalgassians.

This great and illustrious prince, together with four of his sons, viz. Morogh and his only son, Connor, Daniel and Flan, were killed in the battle of Clontarf, on Good Friday, the 22nd of April, 1034, being the 88th year of his age; in which battle a termination was put to the Danes in Ireland. Of this monarch’s two surviving sons, Teig, the elder, was treacherously murdered soon after his father’s death, and Donogh, the third son, in some years after mounted the throne and reigned 40 years; in whose reign Harrold son of earl Goodwin, and afterwards king of England, fled into Ireland for the murder of prince Edgar, presumptive heir to the English crown. He was accompanied by his sister Driella, a lady of great beauty, whom Donogh, being then a widower in the 57th year of his age, married, and had a son by her named Daniel; from whom, according to Bruodinus, sprung the noble families of the Powers, Plunkets, and Eustaces. By his former wife he had a son named Morogh, of the short shield: from whom descended the noble family of the O’Briens, princes of Cuonach and Atherlagh. At last the prince Donogh resigned the crown to Terlagh O’Brien, his brother Teig’s son, and went to Rome, and spent the remainder of his life in great austerity and devotion, and dying in the 88th year of his age, was buried in the abbey of St. Stephen.

Teigue O’Brien, second son of Bryan Boroimhe, was a prince of many virtues, but was murdered, as already mentioned.
Terlagh O’Brien, monarch of Ireland 12 years, anno Christi 1092. He died in June 1104, and on account of his great piety was reputed a saint. He was a great benefactor to the churches of Cashel and Killaloe. He made a present of as much Irish oak as roofed Westminster Abbey to William Rufus, king of England; he married Dubhcava, the king of Ossory’s daughter, by whom he had two sons, Mortaugh and Dermott.
Mortagh the elder succeeded him in the monarchy, and reigned gloriously 20 years. He caused a rich, new crown to be made, with which he was solemnly crowned at Tara in the first year of his reign. He built and endowed the famous abbey of St. Hilarius, at a place called ever since the Living Island, from him descended in a right line the noble family of the Macmahons in Thomond; who were remarkable for valour, hospitality, and other commendable qualities for many generations.

Dermot O’Brien, king of Munster, anno Christi 1124; the married Sabina, daughter of Teig M’Carthy of south Munster.
Terlagh O’Brien, king of Munster, built the abbey of Ennisleunaght, for Monks of the order of St. Benedict, in 1150. He routed Terlagh O’Connor monarch of Ireland, at Ardfionan, where O’Flaherty prince of west Connaught, and O’Hyne prince of Fiachra, were slain together with the greatest part of the monarch’s army, &c.
Daniel O’Brien, king of Limerick and Cashel, married the king of Leinster’s daughter. He voluntarily submitted to Henry II. of England, in 1172. Roderick O’Connor, king of Connaught and Monarch of all Ireland, was the cause of this submission; who, instead of marching against the English invaders, under Strongbow, entered Munster with sword and fire, but was shamefully routed by this prince, who was so greatly provoked at this monarch’s conduct, that upon king Henry’s landing at Waterford, he submitted to him; notwithstanding which submission the English, under Harvey De Montemarisco, invaded his dominions; whom he routed near Cashell, killing 1100 of his men on the spot. They entered his territories a second time, but were defeated near Clonmell, with the loss of 700 men. They made several other inroads but were always defeated by him, which put an end to all their foolish attempts upon North Munster during his life. The Danes of Limerick having betrayed the town to the English, he stormed it, and put all the Danes to the sword, and burned the city to the ground. This prince built and endowed the following churches and monasteries:

1. The abbey of Clare for Canons Regular, in the County of Clare.
2. The abbey of Canon Island in the Shannon, in the County of Clare.
3. The abbey of Inchicronan for Canons Regular, in the County of Clare.
4. The abbey of Killowen for Augustinian Nuns, in the County of Clare.
5. The abbey of Corcomroe for Cistercians, in the County of Clare.
6. The abbey of Kilshanny for Cistercians, in the County of Clare.
7. The abbey of St. Augustin Nuns, in Limerick
8. The abbey of Augustinian Nuns, in Limerick.
9. The abbey of Nenagh, in the county of Limerick
10. The abbey of Kilcoole, in the county Limerick.
11. The abbey of Odorney, in the county of Kerry.
12. The famous abbey of Holy Cross, in the county of Tipperary, where he placed a piece of our Saviour’s cross, in a gold box, enriched with precious stones, which piece was a present from Pope Paschal II. to Mort. More O’Brien, Monarch of Ireland, in the year 1110. This abbey was visited yearly by several thousands of people from all parts of Ireland, England and Scotland, until the suppression of abbeys by Henry VIII. of England.
13. The abbey on the river Suir for Cistercians.
14. The abbey of Ennisleunaght, going to decay, he re-built, and gave it to Cistercians (I don’t know where this lies.)
15. The abbey in Limerick which Sir James Ware (being misinformed) says was built by one Simon a Citizen there.
16. The metropolitan church of Cashil, also going to decay. He built it new from the foundation, and converted the old church to a chapel-house. He built with royal magnificence the church of St. Mary’s, in Limerick, in the year 1194; his charter of which church, both Ware and Brodinus give us in the following words:—

I, Donald O’Brien, King of Limerick, to all the faithful of God, present and to come, greeting, know ye that I have given to Brictius, Bishop of Limerick, and his successors, and to the clergy at St. Mary’s, of Limerick, in free and perpetual alms, the lands of Imurgran, and the land of Ivannachan, from the arch of Imurgran to the land of Imalin, and from the ford of Kinough to the river Shannon, with all its appurtenances, and in confirmation hereof I set my seal.
Archbishop of Cashil,
Roderick O’Grady.

Donogh O’Brien, sirnamed Cairbreach, King of Thomond, was a very devout Prince, who, according to the chronicles of the M’Brodys, built eighty abbeys, churches and chapels, some of which are these following:—

1. The abbey of Ennis, for Franciscans, in 1208, in the choir of which he built a tomb of black marble, which was formerly the burying-place of the illustrious family of Inchiquin. In the same choir is the beautiful tomb of the noble family of the M’Mahons, erected by Maude M’Mahon, heiress of the house of Clonderalaw, who, at her own charges, built and endowed seven parish churches.
2. An abbey on the town of Rathkeale, where the Earl of Desmond afterwards built another abbey.
3. An abbey on the Maig, in the county of Limerick.
4. The abbey of Galbally, in the county of Tipperary.
5. The abbey of Kilcoole, in 1209.
6. The abbey of St. Dominic, in Limerick, in 1227, in the choir of which he was buried in 1241.
7. He bestowed on the church of Cashel two islands, the one called Sulleith, and the other Kismacaill, which donation was confirmed by King John in 1215.
8. He instituted a seminary for learning in Clounrode, in the county of Clare, where, according to Hugh M’Curtin and other authors, 600 scholars, and a great number of monks were constantly maintained at the proper charges of the princely family of the O’Briens, until the dissolution of abbeys by Henry VIIIth of England.
9. He built and fortified the castle of Clare, which, together with the county, took its name from a bridge of planks built over the river Fergus, and not from Richard de Clare (Clar, pronounced with the A broad, is the Irish for a plank or board), as some people ignorantly affirm.

Cornelius O’Brien, Prince of Thomond, sent large sums of money to Germany, sufficient to build the abbey of Ratisbon for Irish monks of the order of St. Augustine, the chronicles of which abbey style him King of Ireland.
Teig O’Brien, sirnamed Caoluisge was Prince of Thomond 28 years; he was the most powerful man in Ireland in his time. He married Phinola, daughter of Kennedy, son of Morrogh Na Nagh, son to Bryan dall O’Brien, prince of Conach and Atherlach, and from his brother Bryan Roe sprang the noble family of the O’Briens, Princes of Dutharra, in the county of Tipperary.
Terlagh O’Brien, Prince of Thomond 23 years, married Sabina, daughter of Cumeamore M’Namara, Prince of Clancallain. He joined his troops with the forces of O’Dea of Dysart, and O’Connor of Corcomroe, and defeated the Duke of Clarence in the battle of Dysert, where the Duke, his only son, and the greatest part of his army, were slain. It was this Prince that built the castle of Clonrode, where he usually resided. He also built the abbey of Quin at his own expence.
Mortagh O’Brien, Prince of Thomond, married the daughter of the Earl of Desmond.
Matthew O’Brien, Prince of Thomond, married Anne, daughter of Felix O’Connor, sirnamed the Generous Prince of Corcomroe, from his brother Cornelius, descended from the noble family of the O’Brien’s of Carrigoniol.

Bryan O’Brien, Prince of Thomond, married the daughter of Loghlen McNamara, Prince of Clancallain; he was called Bran Cath an aonaig, from a bloody battle he fought at Nenagh in Ormond, where he took the Earl of Desmond prisoner.
Terlagh O’Brien, Prince of Thomond, married the daughter of MacWalter Burke, Lord of Borros O’Liach in the county of Tipperary.
Teige O’Brien, Prince of Thomond, married the daughter of William Burke, Lord of Connaught, by whom he had seven sons, &c.
Terlagh O’Brien, Prince of Thomond married the daughter of John McNamara, Prince of Clancallain, by whom he had two sons, Cornelius and Morrogh, from Cornelius sprung the Earls of Thomond, the families of Ennistymond, Bealacorick, &c. and from Morrogh descended the Earl of Inchiquin and the families of Leimeneich. The first Prince of Clancallain, was Cumeamore McNamara, who built the abbey of Quinn in the county of Clare, and was on that account created a Prince by then Pope?but neither that nor any other title was ever confirmed to him or to his descendants by the King of England. Terlagh O’Brien, at the request of Henry VIII. relinquished the title of Prince of Thomond and accepted the Earldom in lieu of it. Why he did not compound for the Dukedom I never could find out. From this period, and not before, the King of England was recognized King of Ireland.

Morogh O’Brien, first Earl of Thomond for life, (as Tanist) married the daughter of the Knight of Glynn, by whom he had two sons, viz. Dermot, first Lord Baron of Inchiquin, and Donogh O’Brien of Leimeneich. O the daughters, Margaret the elder was married to the Earl of Clanrickard, and the younger to Daniel More O’Brien of Dough, ancestor of Edward O’Brien of Ennistymon and James O’Brien, his brother of Ennis, Esqrs.

Dermot O’Brien, first Lord Baron of Inchiquinn, married Margaret, daughter of Donogh O’Brien, second Earl of Thomond.
Morogh O’Brien, second Lord Baron of Inchiquin, married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Cusack, Lord High Chancellor, and one of the Lords Justices of Ireland.
Morogh O’Brien, third Lord Baron of Inchiquin, married Annabella Nugent, daughter of Lord Delvin.
Dermot O’Brien, fourth Lord Baron of Inchiquin, married the daughter and heiress of Sir Edmond Fitzgerald of Ballymulloe in the county of Cork, Baronet, by whom he had two sons, Morogh, first Earl of Inchiquin, and General Mortogh O’Brien, who after the reduction of Ireland by Cromwell, maintained a mountain war against his generals for a whole year, and at last obtained articles, and transported his army to Spain.

Morogh O’Brien, first Earl and fifth Lord Baron of Inchiquin, of whom it may be justly said that his actions were so many victories, he married the daughter of Sir William Saint Leger, Lord President of Munster, by whom he had issues as follows:?

1. William O’Brien, second Earl of Inchiquin.
2. Colonel John O’Brien, who died without issue.
3. Lady Elizabeth, married to Sir Thomas Southwel of Castlemattress, in the County of Limerick, Baronet.
4. Lady Honora, married to Henry Stonghton of Rathoe, in the county of Kerry.
5. Another daughter married to Colonel Zanchy. This noble Lord fought and won many battles, among which were, 1. The battle of Liscarrol, in 1642, where the famous Oliver Stephenson was killed. 2. A battle against the Lord Viscount Mountgarret, where he also was victorious. From this Morogh O’Brien, the present Marquis of Thomond is lineally descended.

THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE respecting the O’Brien family, taken from the Rolls of Henry VIII. may be considered an interesting conclusion to the foregoing extract from M’Cuttin:?

“Certayne articles and condicons which O’Brene dide promise duely to obs’ve at soche time as he made his submission to the Kinge’s majestie.”

“Furst, he doth utterly forsake and refuse the name of O’Brene, and all claymes which he might pretend by the same, and pmiseth to name hym self fore ever hereafter by soche name as it shall please the Kinge’s ma’ie to give unto hym.”

“Item. The said O’Brene, his heires and assignes, and ev’re othere the inhabito’es of soche landes as it shall please the Kinge’s ma’ie to give unto hym, shall use thenglishe habites and maner, and to there knowledge thenglishe language, and they and ev’re of them shall to there power bring up there children after thenglishe manner, and in thuse of thenglishe tonge.”

“Item. The said O’Brene, his heires and assignes, shall kepe and put soche of the saide landes as shal be mete for tillage in manuraunce and tillige of husbandry, and cawse houses to be made and bylded for soche psons as shall be necessary for the manuraunce thereof within soche time as he conveniently may.”

“Item. The said O’Brene, his heyres and assignes, nor any of them, shall take, put, or cesse, or cause to be taken, put, or cessed, in any maner, imposition or charge upon the k’s subjects inhabitors of the said landes, other then there yerlie rent or custome, but soche as the deputie shal be contented with all, and that no man of them shall any galloglass or herne but soche so many, and after soche maner, sorte and tyme as shall stonde with the contentacon of the said deputie and counsell.”

“Item. That the said O’Brene, his heires and assignes, and ev’ie of them shalbe obedient to the k’s ma’ties lawes, and aunswere to his highness writtes, p’cepts, and commandements in his castell of Dublin, or in any other place where his cortes shall be kepte, and his grace’s laws ministered, and do what in them is to cause all thinhabitaunts of the same to do, the semblable, or else they shall bring them if they may to justice.”

“Item. The said O’Bren, his heires and assigns, and ev’y of them for the tyme beinge, shaull aunswere and go with the kinge’s lieutenante for deputie to all soche ostings rodes and cornay where unto they shal be warned and assigned in that after soche maner and with soche nombre of company as the marchers of the county of Dublin doo.”

“Item. That the saide O’Brene his heires and assignes ne any of them shall mainteine or socor, receive or take to socor any of the kinge’s enemes rebelles or traitors.”

“Item. The said O’Brene shall hold his landes by one hole knightes ffees.”

“Antony Sentleg, K.”
John Allen, Chauncel’.
“James om Buss.”
William Brabazon.
Edmonde Bissnet.
Edwarde, Dean.

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