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Ordnance Survey Letters
by John O'Donovan and Eugene Curry, 1839
Parish of Gleninagh
Situation and Name; Old Church; Tobar-na-Croiche Naomh (i.e., Fons Crucis Sanctae) well dedicated to the Holy Cross, at which Stations were performed in honour of the Holy Cross; Old elder tree over do. covered with votive rags left on it principally by people who performed Stations there for the good of their eyes; Gleninagh Castle near the well; Mentioned in College list as one of O’Loughlin Burren’s Castles; Is now in good repair and thatched with straw; Tobar Chornain Well, supposed to have been originally a holy one in Gleninagh North; Dobhach Bhrainin, a large round heap of stones so called on top of a mountain in Aghyglinna; Its true name supposed to be Dumhach Bhrainin - the Heap of Little Bran (nom viri.); Cathair Duin Fhearghusa (Caher of the Doon of Fergus); Caves in do. believed by the peasantry to be enchanted by Fergus Mac Roigh and many of his descendants, the O’Loughlins of Burren & O’Conors of Corcomroe; Ceann Boirne (Ken Boarnias) or Black Head.
Chapter 10
Chapter 12