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Ordnance Survey Letters
by John O'Donovan and Eugene Curry, 1839
Parish of Kilfennaghta
Situation; Name; Tobar Namhog (St. Naomhog’s Well) in Moyalla; Ballysheen Church, an old Church and burial ground so called in Sooreeny; Measurements, etc., of the Church; Supposed to be the Kilfinaghta from which the Parish takes its name; Occupies the identical spot on which the Church of Kilfinaghta is set down on Petty’s Map; Set down in Field Name Book as situated in Townland of Sooreeny but believed by the Parishioners to lie in that of Ballysheen from which it has its name; Kill a Tobar (of the Well) burial ground for children in Castlecrin; Ballymulcashee old Castle mentioned in College list as belonging to Teige Oultagh; Bealacullen, old castle (remains of) mentioned in list as belonging to John McDonnell (McNamara); Ballycullin Hill on (from) which Donogh Mac Namara addressed an exciting poetical harangue to his adherents, the Clan Cuilein or Mac Namaras, before the Battle of Kilgorey or Kilghuaire fought Anno 1309; Copy of the harangue in Wars of Torlogh; Cappagh, Baile Ui Naomhain (Ballynevin) and Baile Ui Oisin (Ballysheen) places mentioned in No. 15 of Hardiman’s Irish Deeds as paying tribute to Mac Namara and as forming part of the ancient district of Tuath-na-Habhann – the Lordship of the River, i.e., the River of O’Carney or O’Carney’s River; Coolmeen (Lake of) memorable for the murder of Loghlin and Melaghlin McNamara on its bank anno 1312, by the sons of Brian Roe and the Hy Bloids – the head of Loughlin having been thrown into the lake on that occasion.
Chapter 59
Chapter 61