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Ordnance Survey Letters
by John O'Donovan and Eugene Curry, 1839
Parish of Kiltinaanlea
Situation and Name; St. Senan, the Patron, a different person from Senan of Scattery Island; His festival still kept in the Ph. on 8th March; Old Church; Graveyard attached; Holy well to north of Church dedicated to St. Senan Liath, arched overhead and surrounded by trees covered with votive rags, etc.,; Annual pattern formerly held at do. on 8th March but removed to Village of Clonlara some years ago; Old Church dedicated to St. Mochuille (brother of St. Senan Liath) in Garraun; Tobar Mhochuille, holy well in Cappavilla; John’s Castle in Rinroe, mentioned in College list as the Castle of Dunasse belonging to Shane Negeyttagh (Mac Namara) from whom its present name; Coolisteige old Castle set down in College list as the Castle of Cullistacke belonging to Donel Roe (Mac Namara); Its ancient name of Cuil Lis-Taidgh (Angle of the Fort of Teige) now barbarously corrupted to Cool-a-Styke; Eas Danainne, the celebrated cataract on the Shannon, so called by the ancients – not the one from which Dunass (Fort of the Cataract) Townland was named but the one at Killaloe Parish; Mentioned in the Irish Triads. as one of the three great cataracts of Ireland; Stated by Teige O’Naghten in his notes on the Triads. to be on the Shannon near Limerick; Its situation pointed out by a passage from Annals of IV. Masters in which also it is stated that a large fleet was conveyed over in 1124 by Torlogh O’Conor; The “fleet” a collection of portable boats to be launched on lakes for the purpose of plundering islands; The collection of boats belonging to Inisgay Island off the coast of Erris still called by the inhabitants the “fleet (coblach) of the Island”; Their boats called “their fleet” by gentlemen living on the margins of Lough Corrib in Co. Galway; Boats (i.e., small currachs or cots) frequently carried by land by the northern Hy-Niall to plunder the rich islands of Lough Erne and other lakes.
Chapter 66
Chapter 68