Parish of Quin
Situation and Name; Old Church dedicated to St. Finghin; Extracts from Annals of IV. Masters rel. to do.
Extracts from Annals of IV. Masters rel. to the Abbey of Quin; Was founded in 1402 by Siodha Cam Mac Namara, Lord of Clann Coileann; Donogh Beg O’Brien having in 1584 been stretched on a rack, his half lifeless body was fastened to the top of the Clocas (Tower) of Cuinche; Archdall’s account of the Abbey; Licence granted in 1433 by Pope Eugenis IV. to Mac Namara to place the Friars of the Strict Observance therein; Was erected in same year by Macon Dall McNamara, Lord of Clan Coilean; His tomb still remaining; Inquisitions rel. to the Abbey; Keave a “Parcell of its Demesne”; Was granted in 1583, together with all the Manors, advowsons, etc., of Davenwall, Icharne, Dounagaur, etc., to Sir Torlogh O’Brien of Inishdyman; List of Castles, manors, etc., granted to Sir Torlogh upon his surrender; Was repaired by the Roman Catholics in 1604; Described by Bishop Pococke; Round tower (remains of); Quin of ten the scene of slaughter and bloodshed during the Wars of Torlogh and De Clare; Daingean, mentioned in Hardiman’s Irish Deeds; Old castle in do. set down in list of castles preserved in MS. Trin. Col. Dub. as being possessed by John McNamara; Daingean Breac, also in Hardiman’s Deeds; Old castle in do. mentioned in College list as belonging to John McNamara; Baile-Ui-Mharachain (Ballymarcahan) mentioned in Hardiman’s Deeds; Old Castle of do.; Crappoke old Castle, set down in College list as being possessed by Tirilagh O’Brien, now inhabited by Captain Scott; Quin Castle mentioned in the list as belonging to Donogh Mc Murrogh O’Brien (no remains of it at present); Ballyhannan Castle given in the list as belonging to Willian Nellan; Craggan Owen old Castle.