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Ordnance Survey Letters
by John O'Donovan and Eugene Curry, 1839
Parish of St. Patrick’s (Kilquan)
Situation and Name; Kilquan old Church; Tomb outside of east gable inscribed to Mac Adam who pointed out to King William’s army where they could ford the Shannon to attack the City of Limerick on the north side; Carraiga tSlabhra (the Rock of the Chain) on north side of the Shannon to which was fastened one extremity of a chain fixed across the river by the forces of King William by which they were enabled to wade over in safety; Drummin old Castle (remains of) said to have been erected about 1579 by Finneen Mac Namara; Caisleán na Coran (the Castle of the Fishing Weir) old Castle, in Parteen, said traditionally to have been erected by the Friars of Limerick.
Chapter 67
Chapter 69