Parishes of Tomfinloe, Kilnasullagh,
Kilmaleary and Drumline.
Town Newmarket-on-Fergus. Barony Bunratty.
Examinations taken by
P.F. Johnstone, Esq.
E.B. Molloy, Esq.
Persons who attended the Examination.
JAMES BRASIL, farmer, holding seven acres. THOMAS CARROLL, labourer. Rev.
Mr. COFFEY, roman-catholic curate. M. COLLON, weaver. Major CREAGH, J.P.
MARY FITZGERALD, a beggarwoman. Dr. FRAZER, dispensary surgeon. Widow
GRIFFEY, widow of a labourer. Mr. HACKNEY, steward to Sir A. Fitzgerald.
MARTIN HALPIN, labourer, occasionally employed. MARY HALPIN, his wife,
always begging in Newmarket. MICHAEL KEOGH and JAMES GEARAN, small farmers,
holding about 12 acres each. Rev. Mr. M’CULLAGH, rector. JOHN M’NAMARA,
labourer. JOHN MOLONY, clerk of the petty sessions. RICHARD MOLONEY, a
decayed shoemaker. HENRY O’BRIEN, esq. LUCIUS O’BRIEN, esq.,
late M.P. for the county of Clare. Rev. Mr. O’BRIEN, roman-catholic
curate. PATRICK SHIELDS, carpenter.