Clare County Library | Clare
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Ring-Forts in the Barony of Moyarta, Co.
Clare, and Their Legends by Thomas Johnson Westropp |
Forts around Kilkee: Doonaghboy Doonaghboy (O.S. 56). The name is pronounced Doonaghwee. It is probably the “Doonaghbwee Caghir,” held by Teige O’Cahan in 1655 in the townland of “Balleonan,” then as now merged in the joint townland. The name is one of those formed with the termination “ach,” and intensive or ornamental finish, which may be rendered “the yellow fort-abounding spot.” Dr. Joyce suggests that the name is derived from the furze on the banks. [7] The earthwork lies about half a mile from the town, beside and to the east of the road from Kilkee to Liscrona, and is an excellent and typical example of the double-ringed liss. It is in good preservation, with two concentric mounds, steep, and from 5 to 6 feet high to the west, and 6 to 8 feet high to the east, the marshy field sloping in that direction. There are slight traces of a fosse outside the first ring. As there is no mark of attempted levelling, it is probable that the fosse was not regarded as of importance for defence, but was only formed in getting material for the bank. Inside the outer ring a large but shallow fosse 27 feet wide protects the inner fort, and evidently shows that, as at Dun Aenghus and elsewhere, an outer fence has been added later than the central portion. Between this fosse and the outer ring is a sort of low banquette or terrace, such as we find at Lisheencrony, which is very unusual in the earthworks of Clare. The central fort is 108 feet across over all, and 98 feet across the garth. The outer measures 250 feet over all. There are no traces of huts or enclosures, and the site is so wet that drains have been cut into the outer circle through the ring, and marsh plants overspread the whole.