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Adventures of an Amorous Tailor Collected by Mrs Mary Haren from Miko Guthrie. Although composed in recent year by Miko Guthrie, ‘The Amorous Tailor’ belongs to a centuries old tradition of bawdy narratives. The monks who composed the ‘Gesta Romanorum’ were not adverse to such tales and later writers, such as Boccaccio with ‘The Decameron’ and Chaucer with his ‘Canterbury Tales’ included many such episodes in their collections. In song form these narratives survived vigorously in oral tradition throughout the continent of Europe. Miko Guthrie follows the rules of tradition in depicting the tailor as the eternally ineffectual would-be seducer like his counterpart in another ballad also found in Clare tradition, ‘The Trooper and the Tailor’ a fine example of which may be found on the Topic record ‘The Lambs on the Green Hills’ sung by the late Nora Cleary of The Hand (Topic Record No. 12TS 369) Scrachda: A Lazy Lump Yerrah! come here ’till I give ye
a blast of a song, Chorus Now poor Tom was a tailor who lived around
Moy, Yerrah! When he’d stroll into town
on a cattle-fair day, One evening when coming from Miltown Malbay, He approached her and said “Miss,
with me will you walk? Oh! she lept like a cat from the side
of the bed, “For I’m a poor girl and haven’t
a lot, Oh! a blast of a whistle she blew on the
spot, But he didn’t get far, the bloody
ould clown, So the ould tailor had to fork out a twenty
pound note, So boys there’s a moral in that
little tale, |