Clare County Library
Traditional Music Sessions from the Carroll Mackenzie Collection
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Martin 'Junior' Crehan, fiddle, Bonavella, Mullagh

Recorded in the Crosses of Annagh Bar, Annagh, Mullagh, September 1973
Recorded by Jim Carroll & Pat Mackenzie

Carroll Mackenzie Music Collection CM-WC6

Martin Junior Crehan

1. Reels (2): Windy Gap / Wheels of The World (.02 - 2.36)
2. Reel: Toss the Feathers (2.39 - 3.54)
3. Talk: about learning to play fiddle & a storm (3.58 - 10.00)
4. Story: About Junior’s tune ‘The Luachrachán’ (10.03 - 11.38)
5. Jig: The Luachrachán (11.38 - 12.47)
6. Air: Air for Willie Clancy (13.06 - 17.38)
7. Song: Song for Wi1lie Clancy (17.40 - 20.07)
8. Reel: Peg in the Settle Bed (20.13 - 22.20)
9. Jig: Minister down to Hell (22.23 - 23.09)

Josie Hayes & Martin Junior Crehan

Josie Hayes & Martin Junior Crehan at the Dunsallagh Feis, 1936

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