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County Clare: A History and Topography 1837 by Samuel Lewis |
Curofin, or Corofin A small market and post-town, in the parish of Kilneboy, barony of Inchiquin, county of Clare, and province of Munster, 7 miles (N. N. W.) from Ennis, on the road to Kilfenora, and 118 miles (W. S. W.) from Dublin ; containing 900 inhabitants. This town is situated about three-quarters of a mile south-east of Inchiquin lake, and near the western extremity of Lough Tadane : these loughs are connected by a river flowing through them, which is here crossed by a stone bridge. It comprises about 140 houses, mostly thatched, and consists of one main street, commencing near the bridge, and a shorter one branching off, towards the east, at the end of which stands the church, and on the south side of it the R. C. chapel. Considerable quantities of yarn stockings, the manufacture of the surrounding country, were formerly brought to this place for sale, but the trade has long been on decline. Adjoining the bridge is Richmond, the residence of the Rev. S. Walsh, P. P. ; and about three-quarters of a mile west of the town, and near the shore of Inchiquin lake, is Riverstown, the old mansion of the Burton family, now converted into a chief constabulary police station. A boat race has lately been established on the lake of Inchiquin (which is remarkable for the beauty of its scenery and for its fine trout), and is likely to become annual. Lough Tadane is said to abound with roach and very large pike. A small market is held on Wednesday ; and there are two fairs, one on the day before Ascension-day, and one on Nov. 22nd. The market-house is an old building, supported by slanting buttresses, and is at present almost disused, the corn being chiefly sent to Ennis. Petty sessions are held on alternate Wednesdays ; and road sessions for the district are also held here. A seneschals court for the manor of Inchiquin is occasionally held, in which small debts are recoverable. The church is a small neat edifice. The R. C. chapel is a spacious slated building, erected by subscription about ten years since. The parochial school is chiefly supported by the Rev. Mr. Blood and Edward Synge, Esq. Here is also a large school, under the patronage of the parish priest. Hugh McCurtin, the learned antiquary, grammarian, and poet, author of an Irish dictionary, died here about 1720, and was interred at Kilvedane, in the neighbourhood.-See Kilneboy. County Clare A History and Topography
by Samuel Lewis |