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Houses and their occupiers in Ennistymon, County Clare

Old Houses of Churchill, Ennistymon

Michael O’Loughlin of Oldtown St. lists the houses of Churchill, most of which were demolished to make way for the new houses in the 1950s.

1. The house of Patrick and John Flynn who were expert shoemakers and later occupied by their nephew Jimmy Murrihy who continued in the shoemaking business.

2. This house was originally a bakery. It was then occupied by John Flanagan, a mason and later by Tommy Lysaght and his wife Julia, (nee Howe) who was a dressmaker. Micko Davoran and his wife and family were the last occupants.

3. The house of John Kelly who was clerk of the Old Ennistymon Church.

4. In a laneway off Churchill was the house of Tom Gallagher and his son, Kevin.

5. This house was originally Henchy’s who were carpenters and later occupied by Mick Gallagher who was a saddler.

6. The home of Martin and Nellie Reidy. Martin was carter with West Clare Railway and brought goods from Ennistymon Station to businesses in town with his horse and float.

7. The house of Joe Flaherty and his family. Joe was a plumber and maintenance man for the waterworks.

8. Mickie Hogan and his wife lived here. Mickie was a shoemaker and leader of Mickie Hogan’s Band who played at venues all over the county and beyond.

9. The next house was Molloy’s and later occupied by Johnny O’Connor and his son Paddy “Voucher” O’Connor.

10. The home of Paddy Dillon, his wife and family. Paddy was a First World War Veteran.

11. The house of Albert O’Connor who was a painter. The family were known as “The Nice Days”. The house was later occupied by Georgie Tobin and his family.

12. The home of Andrew Curtin and his wife and family.

13. Round the corner towards the fair green was the home of John Thynne who was known as “Tiny Tin”.

14. Next was the home of Mary Cleary.

15. Then came the house of Michael McNamara and his family.

16. Across from the last three houses was the home of Paddy Kearney.

17. Beside Kearney’s was the home of Thomas Costelloe who was known as “Tom Tomaisín”.

There were three houses at the top of Churchill on the left hand side of the small entrance gate to the graveyard.

18. The home of Paddy McCormack and his family.

19. Next was the home of Jimmy Walsh and his family. Jimmy was a well known musician who played in local bands.

20. At the very top of Churchill was the home of Paddy Burke and his family and Paddy’s brother-in-law Jack Moloney.

21. On the right hand side at the top of Churchill was the home of Denis O’Brien and his wife. Denis was a weaver who spun blankets on his loom.

22. The home of Joe Bennis, his wife and family. Joe operated the machines at saw mills.

23. The home of Jim O’Loughlin, his wife and family.

24. Next was the home of Jim McEvoy who was a thatcher, and his wife.

25. Across the entrance to Victoria Terrace was Healy’s forge operated by Jamsie Healy. Jamsie converted the forge into a dwelling house which is still there.

26. Next was the home of Michael Burke who was a tailor, and his wife and family. Michael’s sons, Jim and John continued in the tailoring business. The house now is the “Coin Castle”.

27. At the bottom of Churchill is Carrigg’s Pub with the front of the house facing onto Churchill.

Ennistymon Parish Magazine 1996


Who lived in Bogberry and
Bridge Street, Ennistymon


The Houses on Upper Church
Street and Shrohill, Ennistymon