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County Clare: A History and Topography 1837 by Samuel Lewis


A parish, in the barony of Tulla, county of Clare, and province of Munster, on the river Ougarnee, and on the old road from Limerick to Ennis ; containing, with the greater part of the post-town of Six-mile-bridge, 4132 inhabitants. It comprises 7212 statute acres, including a large portion of coarse mountain pasture and bog ; the remainder is in general of good quality, and chiefly under tillage. Slate exists, but is not worked. The gentlemen’s seats are Castle Crine, the residence of H. Butler, Esq. ; Mount Ivers, of W. Ivers, Esq. ; Castle Lake, of J. Gabbett, Esq. ; Springfield, of F. Morrice, Esq. ; and Mount Ivers Lodge, of E. Ferriter, Esq. It is in the diocese of Killaloe : the rectory forms part of the union of Omullod, and the vicarage is united to those of Kilmurrynegaul, Tomfinlough, Finogh, Clonloghan, Kilconry, and Bunratty, constituting the union of Kilfinaghty, in the gift of the Bishop. The tithes amount to £177. 15. 23/4., of which £85. 7. 43/4. is payable to the rector, and the remainder to the vicar, who receives the entire tithes of the townland of Ballysheenmore, containing 180 plantation acres; and the entire tithes of the vicarial union amount to £330. 9. 4. The church of the union is at Six-mile-bridge, and the glebe-house is in the parish of Bunratty. In the R. C. divisions it forms part of the union or district of Six-mile-bridge, where the chapel is situated. About 210 children are educated in three private schools. At Ballysheen are the ruins of an ancient church, with several tombs of very early date ; and within the limits of the parish are the remains of the old castles of Cappa, Castle Crine, Mountcashel, and Ballycullen ; those of the last are extensive, and some vestiges of the outworks are still visible ; and those of Mountcashel stand on an eminence near a lake, which thence takes its name.-See Six-Mile-Bridge.

County Clare A History and Topography by Samuel Lewis
Courtesy of Clare Local Studies Project

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