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County Clare: A History and Topography 1837 by Samuel Lewis


A parish, in the barony of Tulla, county of Clare, and province of Munster, 8 miles (N. N. W.) from Killaloe ; containing 1268 inhabitants. It is situated on the confines of the county of Galway, and extends to within a mile of the town of Scariff ; comprising about 1940 statute acres of arable land in a tolerable state of cultivation, exclusively of a large portion of coarse mountain pasture and bog. The only seat is Moynoe House, the residence of Fitzgibbon Hinchy, Esq. It is in the diocese of Killaloe ; the rectory is appropriate to the economy fund of the cathedral of Killaloe, and the vicarage forms part of the union of Inniscalthra : the tithes amount to £83. 1. 61/2., of which £46. 3. 1. is payable to the economy fund, and the remainder to the vicar. In the R. C. divisions it is part of the union or district of Scariff. The ruins of the old church still remain.

County Clare A History and Topography by Samuel Lewis
Courtesy of Clare Local Studies Project

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