Clare County Library
Dúchas is Dóchas: Amhráin Ghaeilge an Chláir
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Dúchas is Dóchas: Amhráin Ghaeilge an Chláir

Ainneoin an dúil sa cheol i gContae an Chláir, d’imigh na hamhráin Ghaeilge ó shaol na ndaoine sa Chontae ina sruth le himeacht na teanga. An ann don traidisiún amhránaícohta Gaeilge sa Chontae fós? Cad a d’imigh ar na hamhráin a bhí ina lón anama don phobail? B’shin iad na ceisteanna a spreag Diarmuid de Faoite, i gcompháirt le Taisce Ceol Dúchas Éireann (ITMA) agus Oifig Ealaíon an Chláir, chun dul i mbun tochailte. Ní amháin go bhfuil na céadta amhrán dúchasach anseo sa chontae ach nach bhfuil ár nglór caillte fós againn ná baol air agus amhránaithe agus ceoltóirí an Chláir ar aon ag aimsiú sean fhoinn aoibhne agus ag cumadh foinn spreagúla nua agus amhráin chumasacha nua síos go dtí an lá atá inniu ann. Tá meitheal cumasach amhránaithe tar éis anáilnabeatha a shéideadh ar thaisce cheol dúchais. Más beatha teanga í a labhairt, beatha amhráin é a rá. Bímís ag ceol!

Despite the huge love of music in Clare, the Irish language song tradition suffered a haemhorrage with the sudden and rapid loss of language in the County. While tiny Gaeltachtaí such as Rinn and Cúil Aodha managed to retain a vast and varied store of song that sustained and motivated them, places such as Clare, where the language did not survive as a broadly spoken community language fell silent. What happened the songs and the singers? With the help of the Irish Traditional Music Archive (ITMA) and Clare Arts Office, Diarmuid de Faoite began to dig. Not only do hundreds of wonderful songs containing the loves, losses and lore of the county exist, wonderful singers continue to breathe life not only into ‘lost’ songs but new songs penned to this very day that embrace every facet of our existence. This is a well restoration project. Water is life, language is life and songs live in their singing. Airs, old and new, words not spoken nor sung for many’s the long year and other lines only imagined the other day, hear our voice restored and the story behind the journey in a bilingual evening of the best of singing, music and dance from our native home.

Diarmuide de Faoite was appointed the Duala 2021 Creator in Residence by Clare Arts Office and the Irish Traditional Music Archive.

Dúchas is Dóchas: Amhráin Ghaeilge an Chláir was launched in Cultúrlann Sweeney, Kilkee, Co.Clare on May 28th, 2022.

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